A lovely day to die

Tap tap tap tap… SLASH!!!

The head of the fifth 3rd tier abnormal separated from it's shoulder but before it could fall to the ground, I picked up and threw it to a dark corner in the alley before I did the same with the body.

I then climbed the wall and melted back into the darkness. Watching everything as the 'Night Vision' function of the Advanced Vision Skill sucked the mana out of my body at a rapid rate and I had to stop it as soon as I reached the top in case I waste any more mana in it.

I had to use it throughout the night after all.

Without it, I would not be as deadly as I am in the dark.

I then watched with faint sense of amusement as the 1st and 2nd tier abnormals came to the alley and started looking around in puzzlement.

Whenever I lured a 3rd tier abnormal, I realized that the rest of the group followed it instinctively.

Maybe they did that because it was powerful. Maybe they did it because it was tall. Maybe they did it subconsciously. Or maybe they thought it would lead them to food.

I have no idea why they do so. I just know that they do it.

I did not know it the first time.

Thus, when I killed the 3rd tier abnormal, I was not ready for the 30 abnormals who followed after it.

The darkness in the alley where I had decapitated it was the only reason I did not become their target instantly.

And by the time they came close, I was already on top of the building.

But I was not able to dispose of the body which gave enough energy for the rise in advancement of 8 1st tier abnormals who grew relatively large in size as soon as they finished consuming it's mean.

The evolving procedure of an abnormal is not pretty.

I imagine that the way a 2nd tier abnormal evolve into a 3rd tier abnormal would be even worse. I had no desire to know.

Thankfully, consuming it's corpse didn't gave rise to any more 3rd tier abnormal.

But still, it's something I needed to be careful about.

I looked at the 5 3rd tier crystals in my hand and smiled. Exchanging 5 3rd tier crystals might bring me 30-45 2nd tier crystals.

I threw them inside the spatial ring for now.

No business while fighting.

I moved to where I assumed the 6th 3rd tier abnormal was. Only three were left now. After that, I could let myself loose and their weaker counterparts and massacre them to my heart's desire.

Just as I jumped to the next building, I caught the sight of something in my peripheral vision.

I stopped dead on my tracks and looked in the direction where the light had come from.

In the distance, where Gaurav and his team were fighting with the last bunch of abnormals in the block.

'Was that my imagination?' I wondered as I paid close attention to that area for some time and saw it again.

'There it is.' Lily said as I saw the red flash in the middle of the street once again.

'There's definitely something down there.' I mused and changed my direction to check this new anomaly instead of dealing with the last 3 3rd tier abnormals.

Later on, I would thank the gods for this choice of mine.


'There's something weird about that abnormal.' I thought as I watched it stumble it's way to the nearest alley where the abnormal was being lured in.

'Of course. It's eyes are glowing after all. I don't think I've ever seen something like that before.' Lily said.

'I know that it's not a 4th tier abnormal. If they had glowing eyes then big bro would have definitely informed me about it.' I said.

'Maybe it stumbled in some chemical lab and the glowing eyes are just some trick?' Lily supplied but I don't think she believed her words that much either.

'No… There's definitely something weird about that one.' I said and pulled out the walkie talkie. Might as well ask Big bro about it. There's not much point in discussing it here if we don't know anything about it.

After a few seconds, I was on line with Rahul.

"Make it quick Ashok. I'm a bit busy over here." His voice came from the walkie talkie and I watched in horror as the abnormal with red eyes suddenly increased it's speed tremendously and rushed at the person who was hiding in the dark alley.

'Shit!' I cursed under my breath as I saw a head fly out of the darkness. And the head didn't belong to the glowing-eyes abnormal.

Then then it came out of the alley with a hand in it's mouth and rushed to the alley on the opposite end where Gaurav was situated.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I shouted and rushed after it in a desperate bit to stop it.

Gaurav was an experienced person. I could acknowledge that. And he would have made a fine leader as well. Not as good as Rahul of course. I doubt that few people would be as good as Rahul in that aspect.

He was a fine asset to the team. He was valuable to Rahul. And he was a good enough person, despite his continuous cursing.

But he was not a fighter. And his stat points were far below that of mine or Rahul.

He would not survive a second against the glowing-eye abnormal.

I won't be able to stop it either, considering how fast it was going.

'It is definitely faster than a 3rd tier abnormal.' I cursed in my mind and activated the 'Agility Booster' skill in an instant.

The instant boost of 175% increase in my speed allowed me to instantly close the growing gap between us two.

And then the abnormal reached the alley.

From then, everything seemed to have moved in slow motion as I watched it throw a punch at Gaurav. I even caught the expression on Gaurav's face and was impressed by the fact that even though he looked a bit afraid in the face of death, there was also acceptance in his eyes.

I watched as both my sword and it's hand reached closer to their targets.

In the last moment, there a flicker of surprise in the faces of all three parties.

Gaurav was surprised by my presence. The glowing-eyes abnormal was surprised by my presence. I was surprised by it's inhumane reaction as it's changed it's direction and threw the punch at me instead.

He was fast.

I was faster.

Sword cut through bone and flesh and the abnormal was one hand short but before I could celebrate that fact, it spun on it's feet and backhanded me with it's remaining hand with such force that had I not brought my sword forward to block in time, it would have definitely caved my chest in.

I watched as the scenery around me at rapid speed as my body was flung back with such speed that I broke through two houses and many walls before I finally crashed into a particularly tough gate and stopped my advancement.

I coughed up blood and felt a bit dizzy and weak as I looked at my sword for a moment. It was dented in from the middle where it's backhand strike had met.

This was a 3rd tier sword.

3rd tier mutant beast or abnormals are might leave a few scratches after a long fight but they would never be able to dent it in with a single back handed strike.

Yep. This was definitely a 4th tier abnormal.

And it was smart.

I was ashamed to admit that for a moment, I almost wished for it to go after Gaurav instead of me.

I did not had the chance to feel ashamed for much longer as it crashed out of the house in front of me in the next moment.

'Well. Isn't this a lovely day to die.' I thought and stood on two shaky legs to face the menace that was now running at me at a speed which was only a bit slower than mine even with the addition of 'Agility Booster' skill.