Turn of events

The whole world had plunged into an eerie silence as we both stared at each other for a long moment.

None of the hundreds of abnormal that surrounded the area so much as moved a muscle as we continued our staring contest and I wondered if 'he' could see through the helmet and look at my eyes. Because it certainly seemed like 'he' could.

I could no longer call him an 'it'. The 'Glowing-eye abnormal' was not a mindless beast like the other abnormals. There was a certain intelligence in those eyes as they peered down on me.

The only reason I had not been attacked by 'him' or the hundreds of abnormals surrounding me was because it held a measure of respect for me. As weird as it sounds.

And I respected him in return.

I did not respect the fact that it was trying to eat me in order to evolve.

But I respected it's strength. I respected the fact that it could distinguish itself from among the thousands of abnormals I had met till this day.

So I took off the helmet and kept it inside the spatial ring so that I could meet it's eyes.

It was a stupid thing to do. I knew that.

But it was holding back these hundreds of abnormals from their primal instinct to attack me, so this was the least I could do to.

I looked at my sword which was still a bit bent from it's first attack and smiled.

This just might be the last fight of my life but I did not felt any fear at that thought. At that moment, I did not fear death.

I raised my sword to point at him and this time, he definitely smiled.

He raised his hand and I could tell by the slight movements in the abnormals surrounding me and the 2 3rd tier abnormals standing at a distance that this would not be a quick death.

And then, almost as if in slow motion, he made to close his fist and then, another one was there, behind him.

And then his remaining arm flew in the air.

I watched his face contort in pain or anger and then he kicked back without looking, and with a sickening 'crunch', I saw Gaurav's form flew out of the building and crashed in the building on the opposite side of the road.

He didn't move after that.

Then another person was on top of the 'Glowing-eye' abnormal. Then another. Then another.

And after that. Almost as if something had been taken from the abnormals surrounding me. There eyes sobered up. All at once.

And then all hell broke loose.

I saw the 3rd tier abnormal on my immediate right blur from my peripheral vision and brought my sword to block and felt a heavy strike throw me into the air as I flew out of their encirclement and crashed into the second floor of the building on the opposite end of the road.


I felt more than heard the breaking of my ribs as I came to a stop and almost lost consciousness due to the extreme pain but bit my tongue and held on for a few more moments. I looked at my right side and realized that my right hand was mangled beyond belief.

For a single moment, I wondered if I would ever be able to use it ever again. For just a single and short moment. After which I felt the world dim a bit and looked up only to find the 3rd tier abnormal jumping inside from the hole in the building before it raised it's hand and brought it down upon me.


It felt as if someone had brought down the whole house on top of me as it stuck me and I felt a few more of my ribs broke under it's assault.

It brought it's hands down on me a few more times and I felt a few more bones break with each impact. At last, I could not bring up the sword anymore as all strength left me and I felt closer of death than I've ever felt in my whole life.

The 3rd tier abnormal also seemed to have realized this and it raised both it's hands up together in order to dish out a final blow but before it could bring them down, it froze.

"KUAAAAAAA!!!" it was the roar of the 'Glowing-eye' abnormal. But this time, instead of sounding domineering, it sounded desperate. As if asking for help.

And then the 3rd tier abnormal was out of the building.

Whatever Big bro and Jasvinder had planned seemed to have worked out as I did not hear any more of those roars anymore.

Now they only needed to defeat those few hundred low level abnormals and the 2 3rd level abnormals.

Because I certainly was not in any condition to help.

'To have such a simple mission go so wrong.' I chuckled as I thought about the how easy it had been at the start. Before it all went to hell.

I coughed up some blood and felt the immense pain in my chest due to the having several broken ribs.

Judging by the pain I felt every time I took a breath it seemed it some of those ribs had punctured my lungs.

'Life is so weird.' Were my last thoughts before everything went dark.