Anger of a sister

I felt a strong headache as I woke up from slumber and tried to hold my head with my hand before a sharp pain stopped me from trying to move.

I took a deep breath and felt a bit of pain of pain on my chest and coughed up a bit. But each movement only hurt even more so I forced myself to stop any movement altogether.

'Well shit!' I thought and slowly opened my eyes to look around myself.

I was in a small room with two large windows and pink colored walls. There was a chair, table, a wooden cabinet and a single person bed in the room.

I looked down and realized that whole torso was wrapped up in bandages. My left arm was in a surprisingly good condition except for the few tears in muscles while my right arm was totally wrecked.

It was wrapped up in plaster and supported by a sling that went over my neck.

I felt the headache subside a bit and I tried to remember the last moment before I fell unconscious.

'Oh yeah. That 3rd tier beat the crap out of me. And then it left after which I lot consciousness.'

I looked down at my chest and wondered how my ribs could heal so rapidly.

I mean it still hurt a bit when I took a deep breath but this was still far better then what I had expected to happen when I woke up the next time.

I knew for a fact that broken ribs take between a month or two to heal.

I had not expected my injuries to heal as soon as I wake up.

'Wait! Now that I think about it, I have no idea how long I've been asleep.' I thought and called out to Lily in my mind. 'Oi Lily! How long have I been unconscious.'

'One and a half days.' She replied in a bored tone and I wondered if she really cared about my well being or not and sighed.

'One and a half days. That's certainly better than one and a half month.' I thought and tried to get up before I felt a sharp pain in my chest and fell back to the bed once again.

'Are you stupid or were you dropped on your head as a baby.' Lily's annoyed voice rang in my mind 'Just stay in the bed for now and give your injuries some time to heal.' She chided.

'Well… Aren't you in a splendid mood today.' I snorted and closed my eyes at the pain I felt in my chest and waited for it to pass.

'You almost died back there. And you want me to be in a splendid mood. Why don't you go and screw yourself with a pole.' She shouted and I felt my eye twitch at her coarse language.

Lily didn't curse. And the fact that she was doing so now must mean that she was really annoyed by me.

Well, I almost died back there in order to help Gaurav so I can't really complain.

'I'm sorry.' I murmured an apology and sighed when she did not reply back.

'I'm thirsty.' I thought and looked around for any sign of water.

It was kept on the table beside my bed in a flask. On the right side.



"You still alive." I heard a voice and felt a kick on my legs which broke me out of my short nap as I looked up in annoyance.

"Get out." I croaked out and felt thirsty once more.

"Oh! You sure you don't want this?" she said with a smirk and dangled the flask of water and a glass in front of me.

I snorted with annoyance at her antics and felt embarrassed at my helplessness.

"Water." I said and raised my left hand. I truly felt like a child at that moment.

She looked at me with a smirk for a long moment before she finally filled the glass and gave it to me.

After that she propped up my pillow and raised my head so that it will be easier for me to drink.

I finished the glass and asked her for more and then finished three more glasses before I was finally satisfied.

I gave her the glass and she kept the glass on the table after which she sat beside me and kept staring at me intensely.

After a long moment, I finally broke under her gaze and sighed

"Look Neha. I'm sorry alright." I said guiltily and felt the intensity of her gaze increase even more.

"I did not plan to get injured you know. It… it just happened." I said and the sharp drop in temperature in the room because of her icy glare made me realize that I had just dropped the hammer in my own foot.

"It just happened you say." She said in a voice so cold that it terrified me. At that moment, I would rather have a 3rd tier abnormal in the room than her.

"It just happened you say." She repeated after which I felt a sharp sting on my cheek and my head spun to the other side at the force she had hit me with.

"Look at me." She said and I obeyed quietly only to be slapped on the other cheek with even more force.

After that, two more slaps followed and instead of feeling pain, I only felt ashamed. Ashamed and guilty and what I had made her go through.

The sight of me in a half dead state with almost half of my ribs caved in my chest must have terrified her.

If I ever saw her in a similar condition, I don't know what I would do.

After taking out her anger, she finally sighed and lent down on my chest to rest and I jerked up in pain as I felt my ribs creak under her pressure.

"Oh! I forgot you were hurt there. I'm so sorry." She said frantically and went into a frenzy before I finally raised my hand and patted her cheek.

"I'm… alright." I said through the pain coursing through my chest. "I… deserved that."

"No you didn't." She said in as she sobbed and I could already see the tears forming in her eyes as she slowly laid down beside me and I gently patted her head as she cried beside me "No you didn't."

"It's alright." I said as the pain in my chest finally subsided. "I am alright now. You don't need to worry about anything." And felt her hug me tightly as she sobbed.

"Brother." She said after she wiped her tears.

"Yes." I said as I looked at her.

"If I ever find you in such a condition again." She whispered "I'll break all the bones in your body. Do you understand."

"Yes." I croaked out as I felt the threat in her words. She'll probably not break all the bones in my body but she'll surely do something equally worse.

"Good." She said and slept while hugging me.

I gently patted her head and tried to get some sleep myself.

The faster I get healed. The better.