Information about Military Shelter

"So… you're still breathing old fart." I said as I looked at him from the door.

He looked at me and let smiled despite the numerous bandages and plasters surrounding his body "I could say the same to you boy. I'm surprise you've still cut off a limb or two while swinging your toy around." He chuckled at his own joke before he went into a coughing fit to the point where I almost considered patting his back. Almost.

"Hopefully you'll die in a similar coughing fit and then I won't have to see your ugly mug of a face any more."

"Don't worry. I won't give you the pleasure of dying so early in the game." He chuckled in a raspy manner and for a moment, I feared that he would go in a coughing fit once again. But thankfully, no such thing happened.

After that a silence fell over the room but it was the comfortable type.

"So… what the fuck possessed those fools to use their guns in the middle of the day?" he asked in his raspy as he looked outside the window.

His room was on the top floor of a rather tall building so he got a rather beautiful view of the town.

When I didn't reply the room descended into silence once again, broken occasionally by the sound of shooting in the distance.

"They don't have a competent commander." I said. It was the truth.

Gaurav was… well, he was in no shape to command. Jasvinder must have just returned a few minutes before me. Upma, I doubt people would follow a 11 year old girl. And Rahul. God knows where Rahul is at the moment.

"Don't have a competent commander." He spat on the ground and looked at me "And where is that dumb brother of yours? Is he busy shagging one of those pretty girls in the back of some car."

I felt my eye twitch at his blatant disrespect of my big bro. No one had ever disrespected him like that. At least not in my presence.

It was… a novel experience.

Thankfully he didn't mean anything by it.

"Who knows." I said with a smile and tried to imagine him in such a scenario. It was not a pretty picture.

Gaurav chuckled at my response.

"So…" he said as he looked at my attire "What's with all the blood. You tripped on some corpses or what?"

"I'm learning from Jasvinder about hunting. He's… very good at it."

"That sissy brat with no respect for his elders. Remind me to spank him sometime in the future." He said and we both shared a laugh at my new mentor's expense.

"You went on a hunting trip with that?" he asked as he looked at the plaster on my right hand.

I shrugged in response "It doesn't hinder me that much."

He had a strange expression on his face. "You're a stupid brat, you know that."

I shrugged once again. "Maybe. But I'm still in a better condition than you."

He started chuckling once again before it turned into full blown laughter which ended in him in a coughing fit and me massaging his back so that he doesn't die in an embarrassing manner.


After a long talk with Gaurav, went out to search for Rahul and Neha.

But the sight that met me outside was once again of desolation.

'Where the hell is everyone now?' I thought in irritation. I caught hold of one of the few people walking around in the streets and asked him where everyone was.

"They… they're at the… the mechanic's sh… shop." He stuttered in fear as I went past him.

'You should really wash off all that blood and try to be less intimidating next time.' Lily said and I growled back in response.

After I went to the Mechanic's shop, I realized why most of the people had gathered over here.

A hundred people.

That might seem like a large number.

But when all of them sit together in an organized manner in a compact space, they really don't look all that… numerous.

About a hundred or so people were surrounding the mechanic's shop, sitting in an organized manner.

And in the middle of all that, was a television.

In that television was the face of some old dude in military attire, with a lot of medals in his chest and a lot of stars on his shoulders.

Some high ranking military dude no doubt.

All the people were listening to his words attentively and I could already guess what this was all about without even needing to hear his sales pitch.

Safe military base. Food and water. No abnormals and mutants beasts in vicinity.

Come to our base. Let's reunite the human beings. Defeat the monsters. Blah blah blah….

I could already see the hope in the faces of the people and felt anger bubble in my heart.

'Are you not safe in here? Have my brother not protected you so far? Have he not provided you with food and water. Have he not treated you with the respect you deserve?' I wanted to ask these questions and more.

I felt that they betrayed my brother when they started listening to that bullshit.

Do they think that he is some kind of clothing that they can change at their whim.

Don't they have any shred of loyalty in them.

The broadcast ended after a while and then the murmurs started.

"Should we go there?"

"Sounds like a safe place?"

"We should talk with the leader. Ask him to take us there."

"If we all force him, then he won't have any choice but to lead us there."

"He may be a good leader. But he is just a young man in the end. It would be better to go to the military base in the end."

"Yes. And it's not like he's that good of a person either. Do you remember how his brother slaughtered one of the guards and he did nothing to him in response."

"Yeah. What if the next time it's you or your friend instead."

As the murmurs increased in intensity, I felt my anger rise with me.

And after that, I snapped.


In hindsight. Breaking that television, beating the mechanic till he almost died, breaking all his equipment and beating the guards that tried to stop me, while raging at the ungrateful people was not a very bright idea.