Dual Wielding and New Mission

Dual-wielding is bullshit.

After playing all those RPG games, many people (including me) believe that having two sword means double the damage.

After all. It's pretty simple math. With a sword, you do X damage. Then with two swords, you do 2X damage.



It was not until my right arm fully healed and I was able to hold two swords in my hands that I realize how wrong I was.

For one, I realized that I cannot swing two swords at once.

I mean I can.

It is possible to do such a thing.

But it's just not lethal enough because of the lack of power.

If I want to swing my swords, then I had to do it one after the other.

When you swing a sword, you don't just swing your arm.

You move your whole body and put all the force you can generate in that swing.

You can't do that with two swords because you can't move your body in two different ways at once.

And therefore, I need a lot of movement if I am to swing my swords continuously.

And that is not how I fight.

When I fight, I try to use the minimum amount of movement to kill an abnormal or mutant beast so that I can save my stamina and fight for longer period of time.

If I had to use more of my stamina to kill the same amount of enemies, then that really beats the point of me having two swords.

Sure I would look cool while killing them but it won't be practical.

And I was a practical guy.

So after a long session of thinking, I was finally able to come up with a solution to this problem.

And the solution was pretty simple.

Instead of using two basic swords, I would use one basic sword and one parrying dagger.

The basic sword can be used for slashing and hacking while the parrying will be used for parrying and stabbing.

So I can fully focus on slashing and hacking with the sword and when the opportune moment arrives, I can stab with dagger.

With that in mind, I ended up buying a Musketeer Parrying Dagger which was only worth 25 white coins.

I bought eight of them and used a considerable 1/3rd of that amount to merge them together which gave me a 4th tier Musketeer Parrying Dagger.

'With this, I won't have to change my fighting style that much and I'll be able to get the benefits of using two swords.' I thought and smiled with glee.

The blade of the dagger was 10 inches long and the whole dagger was 15 inches long.

If it was a bit longer with a bit more steel in it, then it would look more like a sword that the Romans used.

Overall, I had a very good impression of the dagger.

And since I had already upgraded the dagger, I went ahead and upgraded my basic sword as well.

I did want another Holler or any other creature to bent or worse break my sword.

With all that done, I was ready to face some enemies and see how I stand against them with two weapons but before I could do that, I got a call from Rahul.

I picked up the walkie talkie from my utility belt and switched it on.

"What is it big bro?" I asked.

"Did you break the mechanic's equipments and beat him up?" came his weary voice from the other side.

"Yeah. I did. What of it?"


"I was angry."

"And why were you angry?"

"I didn't like the way they were talking about you."

"Is that the only reason?"


"~Sigh~ Look, just… don't do it again. Okay."


"Very well. Now come and meet me outside the town near the water tower. I need you to do a scouting team for me."

"Scouting? Are we moving out?"


"Very well then." Saying that I cut switched it off and started moving in the direction of the town.


"This is the direction you'll take." He said and created a line through various villages and small towns that strayed far off from the main highway.

Main Highway was connected with main towns and cities. And main towns and cities were filled with tens to thousands to millions of abnormals. Thus, it is better to stay away from the main highway.

"That will lead us north-east." I said "Kolkata is in south-east. So why are going to the north-east?"

He looked at me for a moment and then sighed. "We'll be taking a small detour on our way to Kolkata."

"Small detour… Did those ungrateful bastards force you to go to Agra? Is that what this is about?"

"No. This is my own decision."

"Why?" I asked incredulously.

"Because we have too many civilians with us. And the large number of people in our camp slows us down and makes us susceptible to more attacks."

"So we are going to Agra, so that we could dump the useless baggage there."

"They are not useless baggage Ashok. Just, not very useful to us at the moment."

"Whatever you say. And before I go, tell me. Why are you giving this mission to me. Why not Jasvinder and Upma."

"I've given them their mission as well."

"And what's their mission?"

"The same as you. Just with a different route."

"I see. That makes sense." I said and then asked "So where is my team?"

"They are waiting for you at the small bridge."

"Hmm… Have Jasvinder left already?"

"Yes. He and Upma, along with their team left 20 minutes ago."

"I see. And when will the camp start to move?"

"They are already packing. After your and Jasvinder's team scout the next 20 kilometers for us, we will choose the path with less danger and start to move."

"Hmm… What about Gaurav. I don't think he's in any condition to move."

"Yeah. That's why he'll stay behind with three other men. After he gets better, he'll catch up to us."

"Okay. Anything else you want to tell me?"

"Just one thing. Don't go out of the walkie talkie range. And give your report every hour or so."

"Got it. Any thing else?" I asked.

"No. That's all." He said and hugged me "Be safe."

I nodded and turned around "See you later then."

"See you later."

With that, I went to the small Bridge where my 'team' was waiting for me.

There were five people waiting for me. And… wait?

"What are you doing here Neha?"