Realistic Battle Simulator

"Judge? Battle Simulator? What do you mean by that?" I asked in confusion. This evolution was really not going the way I had imagined it to go.

I had expected immense pain. I had expected to survive that pain because my will power had increased by leaps and bounds since the start of apocalypse. And then I had expected to reach the next level.

I had not expected… this. Whatever 'this' was.

"You are confused." She said and I wondered if she sounded so ethereal and pure because of special effects or if her voice was just that good. "Don't worry. I'll explain everything to you."

"Very well then." I said "I'm all ears."

"Till this point, anyone in the world who has consumed enough crystals and has survived the immense pain accompanied by the black fog is able to evolve into a higher being."

"But there is a loop hole in this process."

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"The loop hole is the existence of the crystals itself."

"Hmn?" I looked at the her with a questioning gaze and the white ball continued.

"A person who has never worked hard in his/her whole can just consume the crystals and gain immense power."

"This Realistic Battle Simulator is a place that stops such people from advancing. Beyond this point, only the people who have worked hard and are truly skilled will be able to advance, if they're able to advance at all."

"What do you mean by if they're able to advance?" I asked.

"It's just as you hear. If you are able to advance, you'll evolve into a higher being, able to possess power that is beyond the capability of a normal human being."

"And if you don't advance. Then you'll feel no pain but neither will you evolve. And if you want to try again, then you'll have to pay certain… concessions." She said.

"I see. And how do you check if a person deserves to evolve or not?" I asked.

"It's pretty simple." She said "You'll have to fight abnormals. That's why this place is called a battle simulator."

"So I'll have to fight abnormals in here. And if I do a good job then you'll allow me to evolve?"

"Yes. But there's more." She said "Depending on how well you do, you'll be able to evolve into different race. Some of which are… better than others."

"I see. Is that all or is there anything I'm missing?" I asked.

"Well… aren't you an impatient one." She chucked and moved around me. I turned around to follow her movements and realized that there was a huge assortment of weapons in front of me now.

"Choose the weapons that are to your liking. You may not choose more than three." She said and I picked up a basic sword and a parrying dagger, the ones that I used on a daily basis since I knew that trying new weapon at this moment won't be to my benefit.

"Are you done?" she asked.

"They're only 1st tier weapons." I said and she chuckled once again.

"Don't worry. The level of your weapon will increase to match the level of abnormals you'll be facing. Anything else you want to know before we start?"

"Yes. Do you get an armour." I asked and pointed at my body. I was wearing a loose shirt and pant which, although felt comfortable to wear, would not provide much protection against the abnormals.

"You won't be getting any armour." She said with a tone of finality and I understood that she won't budge on this.

"Isn't it a bit unfair to people who use their armour extensively?"

"Life is unfair." She stated simply and I smiled a bit at her words.

"True. Life is unfair. Now… if there is nothing else. I'm ready." I said.

"Very well then Ashok. I have high hopes from you. Best of luck." She said and the white glowing ball and the huge assortment of weapons disappeared from view at once.

In it's stead, a large door materialized and I could see a timer on top of the door.

3… 2… 1… Start

The door opened and out of it came… a 1st tier abnormal.

I looked at it in puzzlement and wondered why I had to fight against such a weak enemy.

But then I noticed a stop watch on top of the timer and I could already see the seconds add up on it.

6… 7… 8…

'I don't have time to waste. I'll kill first and ask questions later.' I thought and ran toward the abnormal who ran toward me as well.

We both passed by each other and it's head fell to the floor.

"Level 1. Complete. Total Time Taken:- 12 seconds." Elia's voice rang in the room and I could see that the timer had started at 59 seconds while the stop watch was paused at 12 seconds.

'So the amount of time I take will be taken into consideration as well.' I thought and waited with baited breath in front of the door.

After the 59 seconds, the door in front of me vanished and appeared 30 meters away and I cursed in my mind.

'Of course it won't be so easy.' I thought and started running toward it as the door opened and 2 1st tier abnormals walked out.

With two swing of the sword. Two heads fell down and silence reined once again.

I noticed that the blood or the bodies of the abnormals I've killed so far have not disappeared and wondered if it had any significant reasoning behind it but Elia's voice pulled me out of my thoughts once again.

"Level 2. Complete. Total Time Taken:- 17 seconds." And the timer once again started at 59 seconds while the stop watch paused at 17 seconds.

'It took me 5 seconds to cover 30 meters and decapitate 2 1st tier abnormals. I've really grown since the start of the apocalypse. Haven't I?' I thought and reminisced about the time before the apocalypse.

Before the black fog came and changed everyone's lives.

All of that seemed to have happened an entire life time ago.

'I wonder what my past self would say if he would see me now.' I chucked at the thought and watched with bated silence as the timer stopped at 0 and 4 1st tier abnormals came out of the door, 30 meters away.