
I took deep breaths and removed my helmet to wipe the sweat on my forehead as I sat on a small pile of bodies formed with the corpses of 1st and 2nd tier abnormals.

If only I knew what I was going to face, I would have fought conservatively and not used so much stamina.

First it was 1 1st tier abnormal. Then 2. Then 4. Then 8, 16, 32, 64 and at last 128.

I had hoped that it would stop at that and it did.

For a while.

After a five minute break, I had to face 1 2nd tier abnormal. From then onward I had to face 2, then 4, 8, 16 and at last 32.

If only I knew I had to face so many abnormals, I would not have run at them with that much enthusiasm and let them come at me and defeat them economically by using less stamina.

The sword in my hand felt heavy and I wondered how long I'll be able to swing it.

I looked at the timer and it showed 67 minutes 24 seconds.

I wiped the sweat forming on my forehead once again and took deep breath to slow down my fast beating heart and then wore my helmet for the next fight.

6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… 0… Hissss….

The door opened and I took a breath of relief when instead of 64 2nd tier abnormals, a single 3rd tier abnormal came out.

"Kuaaaaa..." It roared and charged at me while crushing all the corpses beneath it's feet.

I stood up and started moving in it's direction as well. It was going to be a hard fight since I did not have the 'Agility Booster' skill with me. But regardless, the 3rd tier abnormal was only a bit faster than me but I had far greater perception than it.

We both closed the distance in a blink.

It swung it's large claws at me and I dodged them while swinging my sword at it. Because of the exhaustion, I lost my footing a bit and the strike was not as deep as I wanted it to be.

But I knew it was deep enough when I heard the crash behind me.

I stood up with shaking legs and looked at the 3rd tier abnormal. It was was having difficulty standing up and I was already thinking ways to kill it with the minimum amount of movements.

'I have to attack while it's disoriented.' I thought and charged at it as it took the support of the corpses to stand up.

The 12 feet tall abnormal noticed me in time and swung it's claws at me and I ducked down once again to give another wound at it's leg.

This one was deep and I almost cut through it's bones.

It fell down and before it could get up, I buried the dagger in it's skull.


After a few more stabs, it spasmed and stopped moving altogether. It's claws twitched a bit but I knew that it won't be getting up anymore.

I looked at the stop watch and it showed 67 minutes 53 seconds.

The timer was already ticking at 57… 56… 55…

I took a deep breath and tried to slow down the beating of my heart.

3rd tier abnormals were powerful. Immensely so. But at this point, with 8.0 strength, I could take a few hits from them.

Regardless, it would be wise to dodge their attacks since unlike the Holler, their attacks were simple.

A swipe here, a swipe there.

The key was to duck under their attacks since they are quite a bit taller than us and then attack their legs.

After they fall, use the dagger and finish them quickly.

I formed tactics and strategies on how to defeat more 3rd tier abnormals at a fast rate as the timer ticked by…


"AAAahhhhh" I roared loudly and fell on top of the 3rd tier abnormal with my remaining hand and buried the sword at it's neck.

It roared loudly and swung it's arms wildly to get me off him but I pushed the sword deeper and heard a Crack after which it stopped moving.

It's head lolled to the side and I took a deep breath and fell on top of it due to the immense exhaustion.

Looking around me, I could see the 8 fresh corpses of the 3rd tier abnormals which had just died in my hands.

I did not know how I did it but I did it.

I stood up on my shaky legs and took out the sword from it's neck.

The sword had never felt so heavy before and I struggled to raise it.

My left hand hung limply on the side and I felt severe pain every time I moved it around.

I wobbled a bit due to my shaky legs but stood straight nonetheless.

I have come so far on my own.

I would not fall now.

I took off my helmet and threw it to the side.

Drops of sweat dropped down my chin at a rapid pace and I could feel my vision blur from time to time due to dehydration and exhaustion.

I shook my head and took deep breaths to calm my heart.

This fight would be the last one.

And I had to win it.

I have come so far on my own.

I would not fall now.

I looked up and readied myself.

3… 2… 1… 0… Hissss….

A single foot came out of the door and I thanked the gods for not making me fight 16 3rd tier abnormals.

'That would have been cruel. Even for the gods.'

I chuckled at my thought and started walking forward with a limp as the Holler ran forward at me.

"KUAAAAA…." "AAAAHHHHH…." We both roared and jumped up to meet each other in the air.

I gave a thrust and penetrated it's shoulder and it gave a kick which broke my thigh.

I roared in pain and the next few moments became a blur as we both fall to the ground together and rolled around for a good few dozen meters before we came to a stop.

I felt immense pain in my left hand and my right thigh but gritted my teeth and pulled out my sword and blocked it's next attack.

Despite blocking it's attack it's strike had enough power to send me tumbling backward as I cried in pain.

The next moment, before I could even orient myself properly, I saw movement in my peripheral vision and rolled to the side and dodged it's strike by mere inches.

"KUUUAAAAA…" it roared at charged while I gritted my teeth because of the pain and dodged to the side.

My right leg was useless and I would not be able to stand anymore.

I felt my vision go dark for a moment because of the pain but I bit my tongue my bought myself a few precious seconds.

I looked back at saw it ready to jump at me.

'It's now or never.' I thought and roared loudly for what was to come.

I lunged at me with it's jaw wide open and I brought my arm to block.


I felt it's jaw demolish my right hand and gritted my teeth and felt a cruel smile form on of my lips.

I had him where I wanted him to be.

I opened my jaw and bit at it's neck.

For a few moments, time seemed to have stopped.

And then I bit once more with all the strength before it could react and felt a CRACK!! Sound and it started to move around wildly.

I used my remaining leg and held it in it's place and felt even more pain as it struck at my stomach.

I was not going to survive this battle. But I never meant to do that in the first place.

I felt it's strike demolish my organs and then brought the last vestiges of strength in my body and forced my jaw to bit deeper.

A CRACKK!!! Sound emanated from it's neck and it stopped flailing around.

I felt it's blood running down it's crushed spine and drip into my throat.

'It's not water. But it's something.' I thought and chuckled but then cried in pain as my stomach started hurting again.

After the pain subsided, my whole body felt numb and my vision started going dark.

'I don't know what evolution I'll get. But at least I did my best.' I thought and everything went dark.