3rd Evolution

I felt a mild headache as I groggily opened my eyes and found myself in the same white room where I had fought a few moments ago.

I rubbed my eyes and stood up realized that my left and right hands were perfectly fine.

As if the fight that occurred a few moments ago never happened.

As if all the wounds I suffered were nothing but a figment of my imagination.

It made me feel a bit sad but I was a realistic person and realized that my wounds were fatal and if this was a real world and not the Battle Simulator then I would have been long dead.

I pulled myself off the ground and looked around and realized that the room was white a before the fight started.

It was in pristine condition and devoid of any blood or corpse or anything in general.

'Well, this is a simulator after all.' I thought and chucked at myself.

"You did well Ashok Singh Rana." I stopped chuckling at once and turned around to come face to face with the white glowing ball which seemed to pulse even faster now.

"In fact, you did far better then I had expected." She said "I expected you to fall somewhere around the 16th or 17th stage or even before that. But you completed 19th stage. And in such a… unique manner at that. That is most admirable."

"Thank you… I guess." I said "Does that mean that I passed your exam."

The ball pulsed even faster and glowed even brighter for a moment before she replied "Oh! That you did my dear. And with flying colors at that."

"Does that mean that I can evolve now?" I asked and felt a bit excited.

"Yes yes. If you can survive the process that is. But looking at your determination with which you fought, I think you have more than enough will power to complete this evolution process."

I looked at her as she finished speaking and then we looked at her for a few moments like that before I said "Umm… Is there anything else I need to do."

"Oh! How forgetful of me. You've done admirable in your test, so your reward must match that as well. Here… Select one of these options and you can start your evolution." She said and a screen appeared in front of me.

It read:-


1. Enhanced Human II(*):- The next stage of 'Enhanced Human I'. Most of the humans who complete their third evolution are Enhanced Humans. It is a well rounded evolution and the one that's closest to a normal human.

2. Elite Human I(**):- A step above Enhanced Human is Elite Human. They are all rounded and quite similar to Enhanced Humans in every way. In a battle between an elite and enhanced human with same stats and same skills, the elite human would win every time.

3. Berserker I(**):- An evolution that's heavily focus on offensive. A berserker has far more strength, agility, perception and stamina than an elite human. But they pay for that by losing their mana forever.

4. High Human I(***):- A step above Elite Human is High Human. They have higher Perception and a lot higher mana than an Elite Human.

5. Fiend I(****):- A 5 star evolution that has been degraded to 4 star because of it generates a lot of change in the human body. This evolution is only available to people under certain circumstances. A Fiend has higher strength, agility, perception and stamina than even a berserker while their mana usage remains as high as a High Human.

Ashok re-read the options a few more time after which he finally smiled.

There were so many choices in front of me. But in truth, there was only one choice that I would accept.

"I choose to evolve into a Fiend." I said and looked toward the glowing ball who started to pulsate even faster after listening to my words.

"Are you sure about that?" she asked.

"Of course. It was a 5 star evolution originally. So there is no reason why I would not choose this evolution."

"You do realize that it might change your body in… many ways, right?"

"I do." I replied.

"And you're still sure that you want to go ahead with this evolution."

"I am." I replied.

After a long pause she finally said "Very well then."

"Initiate evolution of Ashok Singh Rana from 'Enhanced Human I' to 'Fiend'" she said and I felt everything around me go dark as immense amount of pain consumed me.

"Good luck Ashok." Were the last words I heard before everything went dark.


Despite having immense will power and despite the fact that I was used to suffering a lot of pain, I still lost my mind when the evolution started.

Quite a few moments passed when I almost thought of letting go and getting free of the pain but I remembered my family and held on.

After a indefinite amount of time, which was filled with immense pain, the pain finally subsided.

I took deep breaths and wondered if my evolution was particularly painful because of the 5 star evolution or if everyone will feel the same amount of pain when evolving.

I hope it's the former or a lot of people would die in their 3rd evolution.

As the feeling of pain subsided from my body, I heard loud howls and barks of mutant beasts and opened my eyes just in time to come face to face against the jaw of a mutant bear.

Before I could react, I was jerked back and heard it's jaw close just as I reached out of it's reach.

After that, I was flung back and because of the fact that I just gained consciousness, I was not able to control my body and fell a good twenty meters before I came to a stop.

I stood up wobbly and felt a bit dazed about my surroundings until I heard a pain filled scream and my head snapped in the direction of the scream.

There, in front of me stood Neha with one hand in the jaw of a 3rd tier Mutant Bear as she tried to stop it from advancing at me.

And then I saw red.