
Before I had the chance to think anything else, I lunged at the mutant bear and despite the rage bubbling inside of me, I was a bit surprised at the speed at which I was moving.

And then I was in front of the Mutant Bear.

Both the bear and Neha were stunned by my sudden appearance and I gained a moment to notice the numerous wounds on her body and her battered appearance before the rage took over once again.

I punched the bear with all my might and felt a sickening crunch emanate from it's neck as it's head lolled to the side.

As soon as it opened it's jaw and released her hand, I kicked it's head to the ground and stomped at it's neck for good measure.

Another Crack sound sound emanated as I felt my boot sunk into it's neck and breaking all of it's bones in there.

'It hurt Neha.' A voice whispered in my ear and held it's upper and lower jaws apart and pulled in two different direction.


Only it's upper head remained in my head as it apart from it's lower jaw for good measure.

Just as I was about to take pleasure at my victory, I smelled something and before my brain could register what it was, my instincts took over and I pushed Neha aside and rolled to the side before a black blur passed by my side

I stood up to find myself face to face against a 3rd tier mutant cat.

It's fur was pure black in color and it was the size of a large German Shepherd. With a shriek it lunged at me and jumped back to go along with it's momentum as we both rolled along with each other.

It clawed at me desperately and tried to bite me at a few places but my 3rd tier Defensive suit provided sufficient protection.

What shocked me the most was the fact that despite it being a 3rd tier mutant beast, I was not a bit afraid of it.

As if I knew, in some instinctual level, that it would not pose a threat to me.

It tried to bite my hand once again but this time, I grabbed it by the throat and threw it off me.

It changed it's position mid air and landed on the ground perfectly.

I cursed at myself.

Of course throwing it randomly won't work.

I send a mental command to the spatial ring and took out the sword and dagger just in time as it lunged at me once again.

I prepared to swing at it but a loud scream broke my concentration and it's attack threw me off the ground as flew in the air and fell against a tree truck.

An attack such a this would have broken a rib or two before my evolution.

Now I hardly felt anything.

But this was not what I focusing on.

I looked to the side and found that Neha was surrounded by a few 2nd tier mutant dogs and was desperately trying to fend herself with the sword in her left hand as she cradled her right arm on the side.

Her defensive suit was also 3rd tier so they won't be able to tear it about, but their bites were still strong enough to break her bones.

But before I could think anything else, the black blur once again arrived in front of me and threw and off my feet.

At once, I realized that if I wanted to help Neha, I would have to deal with this Mutant Cat first.

It was stopping me from protecting her.

"Bastard!!!" I shouted and just as it jumped at me, I moved aside and brought my sword up to stab at it.

But it was fast and I stabbed nothing but empty air.

"AAaarghhhh." Another scream and I felt rage like never before.

My sister was being mutilated by some mutant dogs not 10 meters away from me. And despite being so strong, I was not able to protect her.

I threw off my helmet and lunged at the Mutant cat and let my instincts take over.

The next moment, before I had to time to make sense of it, my teeth had sunk into it's neck.

It flailed helplessly as my teeth dug deeper into it's neck and broke it's spine bit by bit at a time and just like that, I gave a jerk to the side and it's head came off in a spray of blood and gore.

I felt my mouth and face soak with it's blood but I ignored it and ran toward my sister.

Nothing mattered more to me at this moment.


I kicked the mutant dog that was biting her leg and felt my feet sink into it's body and come out from the other side.

A kick was all it took to tore it in half and then I focused on the other one who was nipping at her left hand.

I grabbed it's neck with both my hands and gave a twist.

All signs of life immediately left it's eyes and I turned at the mutant dog who was closest to me and punched it to the ground.

Then I stomped it's skull into mush and turned to face the other mutant beasts.

The mutant dogs who had just seen the carnage in front of them acted on their instincts and backed off but the loud sound and smell of blood attracted more attention and I could see, hear and smell more mutant beasts coming to this place from all directions.

I turned back to Neha who had fallen to the ground and was crying because of her broken legs and hands and felt a pang of pain in my heart but squashed that emotion at once.

I can't act on emotion at this point.

I need to think logically.

And then it struck me.

So far, I had not used any of skills.

In fact, when I saw Neha get hurt, I was in so much rage that I forgot everything else expect for the fact that I had to protect her somehow.

I became emotional.

And I forgot one of my most important weapons.


I cursed at myself for this oversight but was also a bit happy because of it.

Because if I had used the 'Agility Booster' skill earlier, then I would not have been able to use to now.

I picked up Neha from the ground and muttered an apology as she cried in pain and gave a mental command.

'Agility Booster Activate'

Then I ran.