Brushing my teeth

I started by telling her about the Battle simulator. How it worked and why it existed.

Neha was rather surprised by this as she didn't know that I had evolved.

In truth, Neha was rather short for her age and thus had to always look up at me. Thus, the few inches I gained did not made much difference to her and even though she could tell that I was a bit different in some way, she could not point out exactly what it was.

After she congratulated me for evolving, I continued with the incident and how the Battle simulator worked.

I explained everything about the fight and warned her that if she wants to get a good evolution then she should prepare well and increase her skills as much as possible because no one else will be able to help her in there.

She agreed and I continued with the story.

I explained how abnormals would come after sixty seconds of defeating the previous batch and how their numbers would double every time.

At last, I explained about my desperate victory against the Holler and the 'Evolution Options' I got because of that victory.

I explained the Star system in the evolution and told that my evolution with a 4 star one.

And then the hard part.

I explained how the evolution changed my body and how I cannot eat much else except for meat now.

After I was finished explaining, I thought she might be a bit apprehensive about it but she just smiled gently at me.

Then she hugged me and said that she doesn't mind and that I'll always be her favorite elder brother.

'Huh! I didn't realize that I was her favorite. I always thought that such a position would go to Rahul.' I thought as I hugged her back.

Then I told her to not freak out and showed her my teeth which were rather scary on their own.

I was a bit hurt when she flinched at the display but sighed in relief when she ranted about how dirty my teeth looked.

After the rant, she handed me a toothpaste and toothbrush and I sighed in defeat and went in front of a mirror to brush my teeth.

Let me tell you… Brushing hundreds of teeth is not an easy task by any means.

Especially when the blood and meat of your enemies are still stuck at places.


As I ate the mutant boar I thanked the gods once again about how easily Neha accepted my changes.

Raka would still flinch a bit when he saw my teeth but Neha never did. She even looked at my new appearance in a curious manner and I smiled back in response… before I went back to finishing the mutant boar.

The whole fiasco of telling her about the new evolution was rather… anti climatic.

In the end, I realized that I was afraid of it for no reason and that she would not have hated me no matter what.

But then again. Isn't that the case with just about everything.

You're nervous before the exam. But don't feel much when the paper is in front of you, even if you don't know the answer to most of the questions.

I finished the meat and they finished their job of taking out the core after which I told them to continue moving.

"Where does all the meat goes." Neha asked curiously and I could see Raka subtly moving his ear in our direction from the corner of my eyes.

It seemed like both of them were curious about this since I had eaten more than 10 mutant beasts since the day started and every single one of them was heavier than me.

But then again… I was curious as well.

"I don't know." I said with a shrug. That was the truth. I really had no idea where the food went.

"Perhaps there's a separate dimension inside my body which converts the food into energy and then gives me that energy." I told them about my theory when the wore a skeptical look.

"That's… " Neha started but then didn't say anything as she frowned in confusion.

Raka looked a bit confused as well and I smiled.

"If you have a theory of your own, then don't stop yourself from sharing it with me." I said and showed them a 'toothy' grin

Raka flinched and paled at the display and my grin turned wider.

"Don't worry. I won't bite you. Probably." I said with a perverted chuckle.

Neha swatted my head and I turned to look at her with a wry smile.

"Don't scare Raka. Do you think I don't know what you're doing." She said with a frown and I rubbed my head with a apologetic smile.

After a few more banters, we continued on our way.


'Eating crystals doesn't increase my stats anymore.' I concluded as I ate the second 3rd tier crystal and the stat points didn't budge an inch.

'Do I need to eat 4th tier crystals to increase my stats?' I wondered but then frowned at the thought.

Something was not right.

Even before eating the 3rd crystals, I had a feeling that they won't increase my stat points.

But then again… when I checked last time, my stats increased from 11.2 to 11.5.

I had not eaten any crystals at that point of time either.

After thinking for a while, the only thing I could think up of was mutant beast meat.

After all, what else had I done that would that would explain the 0.3 point increase in my stats.

At least I can't think of doing anything else that might have increased my stats.

'You brushed your teeth. Remember. Perhaps the gods were fed up with you stinky mouth as well and thus rewarded you when you finally brushed your teeth' Lily supplied helpfully with a giggle and I rolled my eyes at her jokes.

Her addition in my life was a good one.

Without her, my life would become rather serious. Not to mention.

But she can be so silly sometimes.

Then again, I wouldn't have liked her so much other wise.

I told her that if she doesn't shut up, I wouldn't brush my teeth for a week and she just pouted like a child and 'huffed' away.

I smiled gently and then my face became serious as I counted the crystals and cores in my possession.

Since the crystals won't benefit me that much anymore, I could either sell them, keep them for my use or give them someone else.

The point was… without the need to eat crystals, I could become much more wealthier since high tiered crystals sold for quite a large amount of white coins.

But then… I would have to continuously eat mutant meat to increase my stats.

As of now, I did not know if my changes would bring good things in the future or not.

Seems like I'll just have to wait and see.