
Rare cores and crystals usually sold for about 2.5 times or more of their original value in 'Buy & Sell Worldwide'.

Going by that, a 3rd tier crystal will earn you about 250 white coins.

And a 3rd tier core will net me from 100-1000 white coins depending on what kind of mutant beast it belonged to and how big it was.

On the first day after Neha healed, I fought and killed 3 3rd tier mutant beasts and 4 3rd tier abnormals.

Only selling that much was enough for me to earn more than 2,000 white coins.

After that, I sold the 2nd tier and 1st tier crystals and cores and I gained another 2,000 white coins.

On the first day (after Neha was healed), I went from being a poor person, with only a few dozen white coins to his name to a fairly wealthy person with more than 4000 white coins.

I remembered the time at the start when me and my brother fought tooth and nail for a few 1st tier crystals.

'Times have changed.' I thought.

'No. It's you who have changed.' Lily said and I smiled.

I used half of my wealth to upgrade the Spatial ring to 3rd tier and now it had 4 meter cubic space within it.

That was quite an increase from the 2 cubic meter space it had earlier.

Now I was able to store even more mutant which would ensure that I would not go hungry even if I don't hunt for some time.

I kept the other 2000 white coins because Rahul had reminded me to store 10,000 white coins for something. I don't know what he wanted to buy for me from that much wealth but it must be something good considering how insistent he was being about it.

We rested in a farm at night and while Neha and Raka slept in their respective rooms, I sneaked out and used that time to practice my sword skills.

The new sword 'Cleaver' was good but I was able to use the sword with only one hand despite it's considerable weight, so my left hand felt empty most of the time.

'I need something to occupy my left hand.' I thought and gave some pressure on my left hand.

My fingers elongated and turned into sharp claws and I wondered if I should just stop using weapons and make do with my claws.

Then I shook my head.

My claws were sharp and powerful. But they were not nearly as good enough as my sword.

If anything, I would use them as a last resort.

They can become my trump card.

When my enemy had disarmed me and has let down his guard, I'll be like "I still have my claws Biiiatch." Then Slash, Slash, booom!!!

I grinned at the childish image in my head but then gained control of myself and shook the thoughts out of my mind.

Reality and imagination are usually as different from each other as could be.

But still, the thought was not that bad.

It's confirmed then.

My claws will be my hidden trump card.

But then. What should I do with my left hand.

I could always use another dagger, but using a heavy sword in one hand and a dagger in another will destroy my balance and such mistakes could be costly in the fights.

So no dagger.

I could use a sword.

But I didn't want to.

A spear?

No. I don't know how to use spears. Nor would a spear and a heavy sword make a good combination.

Another heavy sword.

No. Just… no.


Why would I even think about that?

I started brainstorming about things I could use with my left hand and after a good ten minutes, I came up with a very basic answer.

In fact, it was so basic that I was mortified that I had not thought of it before.


How can I forget about a shield.

Sure, it was not a weapon, per say but if I use it properly, then I would be gain immense advantage in the fight because of it.

Earlier, I did not wanted to use a shield because I was not nearly as strong as the mutant beasts.

I might try to stop a charging beast with a shield but I would be sent flying due to it's momentum.

So I bought light weapons and used to dodge around the mutant beasts and abnormals in a fight.

I was good at it. But dodging around so much takes a lot of stamina.

It was a good strategy.

For a relatively weak person.

But now I've grown strong.

So strong that I might be able to stop a charging beast dead on it's track with the help of a shield.

So why not use my strength properly.

But then... Another thought.

There are many kinds of shields in existence.

And the Black watch accommodates almost every kind of weapon that you can imagine.

So which kind of shield would it be.

A heavy shield or a light shield.

A square one or a circular one.

How big should the shield be.

How heavy should it be.

How strong.

Many questions.



A circular shield that can be tied to my left wrist and should be big enough to cover my whole body in a crouching position.

Basically, something like the shield that Captain America used.

So I bought it.

It was not very costly.

70 white coins.

Still, increasing it to 4th tier reduced my wealth back to about 1000 white coins.

'Huuuu…' I sighed deeply.

Why is it so easy to spend money.


Since I was not tired throughout the day, I ate some mutant beast meat and went back to practice with the shield.

It was the first time I had every used a defensive weapon.

If that's what a shield is categorized as.

The shield was made of some metal/alloy I had never heard of before and I was glad to know that it could take a full blown strike from the 'Cleaver' without so much as a dent.

It weighed about 80 kilograms.

Pretty heavy for such a small shield.

Still, it was far lighter than my sword but I was not going to complain if it doesn't effect it's quality.

It was a good shield.

And I needed to get used to it as soon as possible so that I would be able to use it properly during dangerous moments as well.

I used the rest of the the night to practice with my sword and shield.

Till dawn, I had become fairly decent at using it.

I grinned toothily as I looked at the sun rising in the east.

Today was going to be fun.