The hard journey ahead

The next day, I jumped into the fight as soon as the mutant beasts came into sight.

I bashed a mutant dog so hard in the face that most of it's teeth came out immediately and it's jaw hung loosely from it's skull after the impact.

I didn't waste any more time and pushed it aside and swung my sword at another mutant dog that jumped at me.

With a sweet sound, the mutant dog was sliced in half and I relished in the fact that if I wanted to do the same with the basic sword then I would have to put considerable more effort.

Life was good in Lala land.

I almost hummed a tune in anticipation when a large mutant dog which was about the size of a horse charge at me.

I firmly planted my feet on the ground and stood with my shield held forward.

When the beast jumped at me, I put all of my force into the shield with the intention to block and…


A large sound rang out as it's jaws almost shattered against the shield.

I was pushed a few steps back but that much was something I had already anticipated and before the 3rd tier beast could regain any semblance of clarity, I sliced it's head in half from the from.

'Oops! I think I shattered the core inside it's head as well.' I thought with a bit of remorse which was gone the next moment as I charged at the remaining mutant dogs.

From the corner of my eyes I could see both Raka and Neha killing mutant beasts with such techniques and precision and their own self a few days prior would be flabbergasted to look at them now.

Training harshly and fighting against mutant beasts and abnormals all day long will do that to you.

You either became better.

Or you became food.

Another beast jumped at me from the nearby tree and I once again thanked my shield as I brought it forward and deflected it's momentum to the left and the continued on with my fight.

Soon enough, all the mutant beasts in the small horde had turned into fresh corpses.

Which meant only one thing for me.

I went to the largest mutant dog corpse in the horde, took out my helmet and started my feast while Neha and Raka went around and took out the cores from the corpses.

The 3rd tier mutant beast was large and I had no appetite for the moment so I stored the rest of it for later.

3rd tier Spatial ring yeaaaa!!!

"That was fun." Neha said as she walked around the corpses searching for any mutant beast core that they might have missed.

"That is usually the case when you become good at something." Raka said sagely "You start enjoying it."

"Hmm…" I nodded along as well and wondered why we were having such an easy time in defeating our enemies.

'I have not grown too strong. Have I?' I asked in my mind.

'Not really.' Lily barked immediately. 'You're just travelling through a less travelled path. There are no large town or cities nearby. Only small villages and hamlets so you don't have to face many abnormals.'

'And the trees here are sparse so you won't face come across any large horde of mutant beasts either.' She said 'In short, you're having such a easy time because of the path your brother has wisely chosen.' She said dampening my mood.

'Once you start coming closer to Agra, the amount of mutant beast and abnormals you'll face will increase drastically.'

'After all, there were 1.5 million humans in Agra alone, and I'm not even mentioning the large cities like Mathura, Firozabad and Bharatpur around it.' She said.

'Seems like our job will become harder from here on out.' I said.

'Not really.'

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'That area has high density of abnormals and mutant beasts. That means that some of them will definitely have 4th tier.'

'You're strong. But even you'll face a lot of difficulty in fighting against one. In the worst case scenario, you might even face a defeat.'

My face grimaced a bit at her words.

It was not my fate I was worried about.

But what would happen to Neha and Raka if I was defeated.

They will most certainly die.

'I don't think Ashok will risk our life like that.' I said. 'He'll most certainly have some kind of plan which will increase our chances of survival.'

'You're quite confident in him.' She said.

'I am. He'll either send more people to join our scouting group. Or merge Jasvinder and our group together to only have one scouting party.' I said.

'Hmm… He might do that.' Lily murmured and I smiled in return.

'See. The circumstances are not as dire as you think.' I said with a smile but deep down, my mood had already turned serious.

"Come on. You're moving on our way." I shouted.

"But we are tired." Neha groaned "What about the 5 minute rest you promised us."

"You can rest later on." I said with a grim face and after taking a good look at my face, Neha became serious as well.

This was no time for fun.

After that, we almost went forward at a maniacal pace and after we had completed the quota for the day, we went around searching for more enemies to farm more crystals and cores from.


'About 6000 white coins.' I said 'That is much more than what I had yesterday.'

'Yes it is.' Lily said in assent.

And it was. Yesterday, I had only earned 4000 white coins, of which only 1000 was left after the purchases.

Now I had a total of 7000 white coins.

'What was the list again?' I asked

'Buying a helmet that can open up at the jaws. Upgrading the defensive suit and upgrading the clipping glove.'

'That's it?' I asked.

'That's it.' She replied.

'Good. Do that for me, will you.'

After the upgrades and purchases. I had 3000 white coins left in my possession.

Show me everything in my possession.

User name:- Ashok Singh Rana (Fiend I)


Strength - 12.1

Agility - 12.1

Endurance - 12.1

Perception - 12.1

Mana - 12.1


Agility Booster (3rd tier), Advanced Vision (2nd tier), Appraisal (2nd tier), None


Cleaver (4th tier), Clipping Glove (5th tier), Basic Defensive Suit (4th tier), Fiend Helmet (4th tier), Spatial ring (3rd tier), Camouflage Cloak (4th tier), Round Tiseliam Shield (4th tier)


3132 white coins, 62 crystals (1st tier), 12 crystals (2nd tier), 3 crystals (3rd tier), 322 cores (1st tier), 43 cores (2nd tier), 7 cores (3rd tier)