Town under siege

True to my assumptions, with our walking speed of 20 kilometers per hours, it did not take us more than half an hour to reach Upma's location.

And I was in for a surprise when I saw Rahul's form standing in front of their group.

Just that… he was taller this time and had a majestic air about him.

Without even looking at his face beneath the helmet, I was able to deduce that he was gone through an evolution.

The fact that I had evolved before him gave me a small measure of pride but the fact that he went through this risky endeavor without telling us hurt a bit.

But then I remembered that I did not tell anyone else about my evolution either, since I confident in myself and realized that that must be the case with him as well.

After all, he had more willpower than me so that evolution would not have been that hard for him to achieve.

I gave him the barest of nods which he returned in a similar manner before Neha, who was standing just behind me blurred past me and jumped into his embrace with a childish squeal while Upma and her team mates smiled gently at her antics.

I, on the other hand, had torn my eyes from the reunion and was looking at the reason why we were called to this place.

And what a giant reason it was.

Four giant 30 feet tall and 300 feet long solid steel wall standing to form a square, the square being the town they were talking about.

From our high vantage point I was able to see every detail about the small town.

It was brimming with life.

'There should be more than 600 people in that town.' Lily guessed and I nodded in assent.

That number seemed right.

'But how?'

'But come there are so many people in here when I've only ever found a dozen or so survivors myself.'

'Well, the reason you don't come across many survivors is because you mostly travel through places where only a few people lived. Otherwise just look at the group your brother has created. There were easily 150 people in there last time and by now that number must have gone up as well.'

'Hmm… That's reasonable' I thought 'But what's not reasonable is this town's existence.'

'What do you mean?' Lily asked.

'I mean... how the hell did they created this town. Where did all these large steel walls came from.' I thought 'If there was a giant castle inside those walls then this town might have easily passed for a medieval fortress.'

'Yeah. I know what you mean. They even have sentries in the right places. Except they have their own machine guns and rifles instead of bows and crossbows.' Lily said

'Yeah. Plus they are under siege so that completes some of that picture as well.' I thought as I then focused on the 3000 abnormals trying to climb up to wall as they clawed and jumped on top of each other's bodies to reach the top before they were shot to death and fell down on top of their comrades.

The fact that their claws were able to penetrate the wall and find a holding in it was a bit of a surprise for me.

A 2nd tier abnormal is 4 times stronger and faster than an average human being.

But being four times stronger doesn't mean that you would be able to penetrate 4 inches of steel with your mere fingers or claws in their case.

That thought made me realize one thing.

Yep, that wall was definitely not made of steel.

It looked like steel. It talked like steel. It walked like steel. But it was not steel.

Sorry for the bad pun.

But anyway, that wall was not very strong on it's own, but the people on top of it were definitely doing a surprisingly good job of defending it, considering how not even one of the abnormal was able to reach half way up the wall before they were mercilessly shot back down.

A lone figure could be seen patrolling the wall under the heavy siege as he walked in between the men and encouraged them every so often.

'That must be their leader.' I surmised. And by the confident pace he was walking with, I was sure that that person must be very strong.

Hell, from the way he was walking, if I had not seen the thousands of abnormals down below, then I would have assumed that he was merely taking an evening stroll and appreciating the beauty of the world.

'That person is very confident in his abilities.' I thought with a smile.

But then again, he had a reason to be.

His goons were fending of the abnormals rather easily.

And he had a big fucking town with fucking walls.

'Still, the abnormals had not taken out all of their big guns either.' I thought and then looked at the heart of the abnormal horde.

'There are more than 30 3rd tier abnormals in there.' Lily said with a tone that suggested that nothing was out of order but I almost got a mini heart attack at her words.

Indeed, there were more than 30 3rd tier abnormals standing in the heart of the enemy's forces.

And in the middle of that group stood a 6 feet tall abnormal which was rather hard to see considering how it was surrounded with 11-13 feet tall monsters.

But the thing that attracted my attention toward this particular abnormal was the fact that it's eyes were glowing.

'A holler.' Lily said and I understood how those mindless monsters were able to perform such a coordinated attack.

Well... as coordinated as could be expected by those mindless brutes.

'Hollers were much smarter than normal abnormals.' I thought and looked at Neha who was carrying one on her back. 'That one certainly was.'

But what surprised me even more was the abnormal standing beside it.

That was a 13 feet tall monstrosity and the reason why it stood out from the other 3rd tier abnormals beside it was the fact that it's whole body was packed with muscles.

So many muscles that it might have put a world class body builder to shame.

And for the first time in many days, I felt a bit of fear rise inside my heart as I understood the implications of what I was seeing.

'That is a 4th tier abnormal.' Lily said.

'Well shit.' I replied.