Siege intensifies

I walked up to Upma who looked rather worried despite her trying to hide her emotions from others and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright." I said and she gave back a weak smile in return.

Earlier, I had come to know that Jasvinder had infiltrated the town/fortress in the guise of a sole survivor to spy for big bro.

Everything went well for a while and Jasvinder was even able to send a message about the number of people inside the town and their forces.

That was until the town was attacked by a medium sized horde of 300 mutant beasts.

The heavy machine guns and rifles had made short work of those beasts but the loud noise that accompanied the shootout attracted something worse.

A horde of abnormals which numbered in thousands.

The fight had been going for some time by now and I was not sure how long will those people be able to hold.

Not that I was much worried about them.

They were people. Just like us. But I did not know them and I had learned to stop feeling empathy for people I don't know about so I that I won't get hurt in return.

But Jasvinder was still in there.

Which means that if the town falls under the abnormals assault, then he would die along with them as well.

Which was not something I wanted to happen. Nor did Rahul as a matter of fact.

Which was why he was sitting along with two other senior member making some kind of plan to help that town.

Not that there was much we could do to help.

If we wanted to break the abnormal horde, then we would need to remove the Holler who was controlling them.

And the Holler himself was surrounded by 30 3rd tier abnormals and 1 4th tier abnormal.

If I use the Camouflage Cloak and use the Agility Booster then I might be able to slip past the 3rd tier abnormals.

But then I would have to deal with the 4th tier abnormal, not to mention the fact that the Holler was not weak either.

I did not want to deal with the 4th tier abnormal without knowing it's full capabilities.

In fact, I was a bit ashamed to admit that I was a bit intimidated by it.

But I did not wanted to Jasvinder to die either.

He was not someone I would die for but he had still taught me a great many things and could be considered a mentor of sort.

So I wanted to help him in some way.

So I went to Rahul and told him about my Camouflage Cloak.

He was surprised that I had a '4th tier' Camouflage Cloak and said that my plan to assassinate the Holler was a good suicidal plan.

But that's all it was.

A good 'suicidal' plan.

He did not want to swap the lives of his people especially if the one who was swapping his life was his own little brother.

So after a good and long discussion, as the gun shots rang in the background, we came to the decision that Rahul and I would use our respective Camouflage Cloaks (yes he bought one for his own self) and assassinate the Holler.

But only if the Holler sends more than half of it's 3rd tier guards forward.

Till then.

We would watch.


The fight has been going on for some time for now and I was frankly surprised by how well the people holed inside the town were fighting.

In fact, by now they had decimated half of the abnormal horde.

But even I could see that some of the guns had jammed, overheated or simply broken down under the stress and the people were running out of bullets and other supplies.

At one point in time, one of the people inside the town had brought out an Rocket Launcher and took shot at the Holler.

His plan, was however foiled when one of the 3rd tier abnormals jumped up to protect it's leader.

The 3rd tier abnormals got torn apart in the following explosion but the Holler was not even scratched.

From that point on, the 4th tier abnormal always stood in front of the Holler and I had a feeling that even a rocket would not be enough to take out a 4th tier creature.

And now that the population of 1st tier abnormals had thinned out, the 2nd tier abnormals were joining the fight.

The siege turned rather bloody from that point onward.


2nd tier abnormals are large and stronger than a 1st tier abnormals.

That means they can take more damage onto themselves and are capable of jumping much higher than their weaker counterparts.

So every now and then, one of the 2nd tier abnormals would jump high enough to latch onto the top of the wall.

A few of them were able to brush past the hail of bullets and managed to climb the walls.

Human blood would flow whenever such a thing happened.

Until that 2nd tier abnormal was peppered with bullets or cut to pieces by the high tiered humans in there and thrown back down where it came from.

At first I was worried whenever such a thing happened but when I saw how easily and efficiently one of the backups replaced their previous comrades, I realized that they had gone through such a fight before.

'They won't fall so easily.' I realized with a bit relief.

And the siege continued.

Every once in a while, one of the 2nd tier abnormals would be able to climb to the top and kill someone before dying itself.

The defender who died would soon be replaced by someone else and then the process would continue.

It was almost like both the attackers and defenders had formed a sort of pact and had fallen in some kind of rhythm.

That was… until all the 1st tier abnormals died and only 2nd tier and above tiered abnormals were left.

The holler still had more than 800 abnormals under his control.

And then he started sending out the 3rd tier abnormals as well.