Finding god

Rahul was a godly man.

Not to the extent where he would go to a thousand mile journey for Nirvana. But still… a small temple in the house. A few posters of the gods here and here. Rooms filled with the fragrance of incense whenever he was home.

You know… the usual irritating stuff.

But despite my respect and adoration for my big bro, I was not a godly man.

In fact, I was atheist through and through.

Still, ever since the Black Fog descended and the Apocalypse started, there was a thought that went through my mind again and again.

'Has the gods truly forsaken us?'

Funny how people start believing in gods during their time of crisis.

This was one such moment.

I watched as the black carpet took over the horizon for as far as my eyes could see, destroying everything in their sight and asked myself.

'Has the gods truly forsaken us?'

Then I shook the thought out of my head and became my cynical self once again.

'There are no gods you fool. And even if there are, I doubt they hold any love for us. Especially for me.'

Then I overrode my primal instinct to run away as fast as possible and used the Zoom function to see what this Dark carpet was, and almost got a heart attack in return.



Tens of millions of rats running along with each other, devouring everything in sight.

Nothing escaped their wrath and no force was capable to of stopping them.

They can almost be classified as a natural calamity.

I controlled the shaking of my hand and fumbled around my belt to take out the walkie-talkie to inform big bro about this.

Now that I think about it, since there are mutant rabbits in existence, there must be mutant rats as well.

But ever since the start of the apocalypse, I've never seen any of them.

Except for that one time in the start where they came out of the sewers and started running in one direction.

At that time, I had thought that they were running away from the black fog.

Just like us.

Now I'm not so sure anymore.

"What is wrong Ashok?" Rahul asked and I realized that since the town was in the valley, he must not have seen the Rat tide covering the hills at this point.

Still, the mutant monkeys running away must have sent him in alert as well.

"Mu… mutant rats." I said and tried to ignore the shake in my voice. Fear during the time of crisis makes the 'crisis' even worse.

I need to be brave.

"How many?" he asked.

"Millio… Ju… just run okay…" I said in frustration and started running away myself.

But I was not running very fast.

The use of 'Agility booster' had given me a recuperation time of 6 hours and those 6 hours were still 5 hours away.

So I was left with only half of my agility.

6.1 agility.

Which was still more than most of the people living in the camp or the town.

I ran through the forest and glanced at the town for a short moment and found a few people jumping down from the wall and running away while a few shot at them.

'That bastard leader must have wanted them to stay.' I thought with anger and used the zoom function to make sure that my brother and sister had not been hit.

They had not been hit by any bullets and were running away as fast as they could so I sighed in relief and picked up the pace as well.

As I ran, I saw the black carpet cover the hill I was standing on not a few minutes ago and the town that had now descended in chaos.

A few of the people jumped down the walls and the rest tried to break the gates which had not closed off due to the emergency.

'Did that idiot really believed that the town walls would save him this time?' I thought and shook my head.

Not my problem.

The rat tide soon descended from the hills and went for the town.

Machine guns and rifles started blazing as the people screamed in fear.

I'm sure they killed a few of those rats.

Like maybe a hundred or so.

Before the town was covered in black and soon after that, there was no one left to scream.

The 'leader' who tried to run away did not reach very far before thousands of rats descended upon him and tore him to pieces.

I had hoped the rats would take their time with the town.

What a fool I was.

That town was not even able to slow them down by a bit.

Then I saw the remains of the 'leader' which vanished rather quickly in that tide and suddenly my running speed increased by a bit.

I guess 'fear of death' has that effect on people.

I don't want to die is such a horrible manner.

I cursed in my mind.

'Fuck! Why did I have to use the 'Agility Booster' skill before.'

The rats were gaining on me.

'How the fuck are they even running that fast. I still has 6.1 stats in my agility. That should at least count for something.'



'There's a river on your right.' Lily's melodic voice was most welcome in this time of crisis.

The contents in her voice were ever more welcome.

I looked behind me and found that the rat tide was not even two hundred meters away and my heart started beating even faster as I made a quick right turn and ran toward the hill on the right.

200 meters…

150 meters…

100 meters…

50 meters…

I crossed the hill and there it was, a large fucking river.

And the problem.

It was fucking large.

I remembered the warning given to me by Rahul time and time again.

Do not fall in large bodies of water no matter what.

That is the domain of mutant fishes.

And in their domain, even the 3rd tier mutant fishes would be capable of tearing me apart.

Well shit!

Large river possibly crawling mutant fishes in the front.

Rat tide in the back.

Fucked if I do.

Fucked if I don't.

"FUUUCK YOOOUUUUUUUU…." I shouted to the gods and jumped.