Mutant Serpent

It was leap of faith truly.

I did not know if I would ever reach the other end of the river bank.

What I had not expected was for the mutant rats to jump after me.

Dozens, then hundreds, then thousands of them jumped after me.

I am not sure if they intended to do it, or if they knew how dangerous the river could be, or if the rat tide just pushed them forward without any chance of stopping but I was sure they were going to regret it.

But I was also hoping that they would stop coming after me.

The mutant fishes might be able to handle a few hundred of them or so, but if millions of them came after me, then I was sure that the river would not be able to stop them.

Thankfully, after thousands of them jumped in, they finally heard a loud screeching sound, which I could only guess came from their leader, and they stopped jumping in the water after that.

'Well, at least someone's sensible.' I thought, still feeling a bit of dread at their stupid actions of blindly following after me.

I pushed the useless thoughts out of my mind and focused solely on swimming.

'Just need to get to the other end of the river. I just need to get there somehow…'

And then the mutant fishes attacked.

It was as if I had been dumped into a river filled with pirahna who are were after my blood.

Except these fishes were larger and bit even harder.

My defensive suit protected me from their bites but only to an extent. Their powerful jaws still left deep marks wherever they bit me and I started having a bit of trouble swimming due to the pain.

And then the mutant fishes started attacking the mutant rats.

It was a bloodbath.

No matter if rats were the size of cats or not, they were all torn into pieces and devoured in a matter of moments.

I could even see a few of the rats who were closest to the bank start to paddle back to the dry land but I doubt they would reach to the safe place.

The blood in the river sent the mutant fishes in a frenzy and from there on, their attacks became deadlier.

I was not sure what kinds of fishes these were but they bit really hard. I would swap them for the 'Creepy Buggers' in a moment if I could, despite their ugly appearances.

Not that I could do such a thing.

As more and more mutant fishes bit in my body, I could only grit my teeth in pain and swim.

Since most of these mutant fishes were attracted to blood, they went after the mutant rats instead of me. And that was the only consolation I was going to get.

I could not use my sword in such a place.

It was far too heavy and far too large for me to use it in killing mutant fishes.

Especially if killing one of them would only invite even more.

And the shield was not going to protect me from anything either.

I could use my claws and teeth to bite them to pieces but I could either attack them or focus on swimming.

And looking at their large numbers, I decided that it was be prudent to get out of here as soon as possible.

So I tried to ignore the pain coursing through my body and swam and swam and swam.

When I looked up, I realized that I have almost reached the bank of the river and my spirit lifted up a bit as I started to swim even faster.

'I'm close. Just need to cover a bit more distance.' I thought as I looked at the bank with hope in my eyes.

And then something large clamped on my legs and dragged me back to the depths of the river.


I felt two fangs piercing the defensive suit and entering my leg and cried out in pain as the mutant fishes around me swam away in fear.

I gritted my teeth and held back my breath. If I was going to survive this situation, then I needed to have a clear mind. And I can't have that while I'm suffocating.

As I was dragged down, I looked down at the creature which had captured me and saw a 10 meter long black colored snake with the width of a bucked and red orb like eyes.

'No wonder it can drag me down so easily like a rag doll.' I thought but then another bout of pain flared up in my body as it's fangs released some kind of poison in my body.

"Fuck!!!" I shouted and felt my consciousness lapse under the extreme pain but held on with sheer willpower.

If I fall here then I would never be able to see big bro and little sis anymore.

If I fall here, then I won't be there to protect them.

Unbidden memories of the past, before all the apocalypse, came rushing to my mind.

All good memories rushed to my mind and for a short moment, I wondered if this is what dying felt like.

And the the short moment of euphoria was gone.

Replaced by anger at the snake that was trying to kill me.

I raised both my hands and with a great battle roar, swiped it at it's body.

My claws dig inside it's flesh and gave me something to hold onto.

It only flinched slightly as my claws dug in it's body but continued swimming forward nonetheless.

Then I dug the other claw, this time even deeper and it flinched in pain and momentarily lost grasp on my leg.

That was all I needed as I used the last vestiges of my strength to pull myself forward and clamped my jaw shut at it's brain, turning both of it's eyes to mush in an instant and killing it in the other.

After that, I pulverised it's brain with my claws for good measure before I finally let go of the snake and it floated away in the current of the river which had become much faster now.

I swam along with the flow of the river and moved up toward the surface and soon saw the light of sun, shining brightly on me as I hung onto my consciousness because of the poison inside my body.

But as the bright sun illuminated the world, I sighed tiredly at the sight in front of me.

A twenty meter deep waterfall just a few meters in front of me.

By this time, I was to tired to put up any resistance and even if I had the strength to do so, I doubted that it would have mattered.

The water current threw me over the edge and I didn't had much time to think anything else as the water rose to meet and with a loud 'Splash', everything went dark.