On the way to Agra

Agra was a large city. Courtesy of the Taj Mahal and many other historical monuments created at the time when Mughals used to rule.

Agra was not the largest city in India, not by far. But it was large enough. And the surrounding cities and towns around it created a web of defenses that was very hard to go through.

Why anyone in their right mind would ever create a Military base in such an area will remain a mystery to me. Since Rahul has not complained about it so I'm guessing that there must be a reason for it.

But just because Rahul did not complain doesn't not mean we will have any easier time.

Netra has already told me to expect a sharp decrease in the number of mutant beasts in that area.

That was the reason why we spent the next two days hunting and collecting more and more mutant beasts.

Because of the sparring sessions with Netra, I was even able to kill a 4th tier mutant cat.

I sustained numerous injuries during that fight but she patched me up real quick after the battle and by the end of the day, I was as good as new.

I used all of the white coins I had collected and upgraded the spatial ring to 5th tier.

Now it has 16 cubic meters of space in it which, according to my estimates, should be more than enough to hold hundreds of mutant beasts.

That much meat should last me for ten or so days easily so after we filled our spatial rings, we were ready for our journey.

And even if I used all of my white coins in the latest upgrade, Netra told me that I would be able to fill up my coffers soon enough.

She's a great hunter, and very powerful as well. I have no doubt about her capabilities.

I just worry about Rahul and his large entourage.

But then again, he's a far better strategist than me so I'm sure he'll find a way.


We cannot move alongside the Highway anymore.

The roads leading to Agra are filled with large and small towns.

I am sure that if me and Netra try our best then we'll be able to kill all the abnormals in a small town during the night.

But that's our limit.

And considering how there are small and large towns every 4-5 kilometers in the road, such a strategy was not a feasible option.

But that was not the worse problem we've come across so far.

No, the worse problems would be the large number of abnormal hordes roaming around in the area.

Those abnormal hordes might have 50-10,000 abnormals in them.

The large abnormal horde were dangerous but easily avoidable.

The smaller ones were not.

We had to fight numerous smaller mutant hordes to make progress in our journey.

And did I mention how the level of abnormals has increased drastically ever since we entered the denser areas.

At first, the abnormal horde only contained a majority of 1st tier abnormals with a few 2nd tier in their midst.

Now, we've reached a point were the majority are 2nd and 3rd tier and I even saw a 4th tier abnormal in a few hordes.

We avoid as many of them as we are able to but not all of them are avoidable.

Netra has given a strict order to not use my Agility Booster in any circumstance. That will be our last backup card and will only be used if we attract the attention of any large abnormal horde.

So far we've done a swift job and wiped out the smaller abnormal hordes before they are able to call for reinforcements.

But wiping out the abnormals in such a short amount of time means that we need to take more risks and more risks means more injuries.

The mutant meat in the spatial ring that I thought would last me for 10 days is depleting faster than I had assumed.

My latest guess suggested that the meat would only last 4-6 days at most.

And I've not seen any mutant beasts in this area either.

Remind me why I'm going to Agra again?


The 4th tier abnormal swung it's muscular hand at me with enough force to pulverize my bones at impact and I ducked and jumped out of it's way with a high level of skill that I only recently acquired.

The 4th tier abnormal lost it's balance when it's hand found nothing but air, but it balanced itself and got ready to attack me once again.

I didn't even look at it and bashed my shield at the abdomen of the 3rd tier abnormal in front of me with enough force to throw it and the group of abnormals behind it to the ground.

I heard SLASH and knew that the 4th tier abnormal behind me was no longer among the living.

I had distracted it for long enough and Netra would never miss such a chance.

I swung the cleaver in a low motion and cut the leg of the 3rd tier abnormal on my right and brought my sword down on a downward motion, decapitating the 11th 3rd tier abnormal of the day.

A single flicker of my hand tore the 3rd tier crystal from it's head and another motion deposited it inside the black watch to be sold in the B&S Worldwide.

A sharp whistle rang behind me and a frown crossed my face before I sighed and looked at the weakest point in the abnormal horde surrounding us.

'There.' I thought and with another swing and bash, I was out of the encirclement.

I gave three sharp whistles in quick succession and relieved three sharp whistles in return and I knew that Netra had broken through the encirclement as well.

I rushed to her but did not have to go far as I saw her rushing in my direction as well so I changed my direction and started running away from the horde.

In the distance, I was able to see a large horde rushing to our direction.

'That must have been the reason why she told me to get out of there.' I thought and looked at her and found her looking at me as well.

"Use the booster." She said and I instantly understood that the situation was a bit more serious than I had anticipated.

'Agility Booster Activate' I thought in my mind and my agility increased by 175% at once, giving me enough speed to escape from the dire situation.

'We need to find another way.' I thought forlornly as we finally got out of sight of the medium sized horde.

'This is such a drag.'

I looked at Netra and found her smirking at me, as if we had just escaped after a prank, rather than killing man eating monsters.

I smirked back at her before my smile turned genuine.

'We may have failed at our attempt to cross the Kitham Sector but as long as we're together in this, I would not mind such failures.'