'Safer' Path

"Now that was fun." Netra shouted between heavy breaths while I noticed that my Agility booster skill had deactivated because of time out.

I took a deep breath and peeked out of the small window and realized that the abnormals chasing after us had missed us by a couple hundred meters because of our sudden change in direction.

I looked at her and smiled despite the near brush with death we had just a few minutes ago.

"I will never understand what you find so funny in life and death situations." I said, keeping my voice low in order to not attract any attention. The village we were hiding in was free of any abnormals as far as eyes could see but can never be too careful.

I slid down along the wall and sat down on the dusty floor while taking deep breaths.

'Netra was not good at making strategies.' I frowned at this thought but this was something that I had realized in the past few days since we started our journey to Agra.

Sure, she was powerful as hell and was capable of bashing in the heads of 4th tier abnormals rather easily but she lacked in the strategic department.

I had no doubt that I was with Rahul instead of her, then I wouldn't have faced one tenth of the abnormal hordes that we are facing now.

After all, he leads a whole group of people unlike us two and is still able to transverse through a web of abnormal hordes while keeping his people protected.

I never thought it would come to this but…

It seems like I'll have to take matters in my own hands now.

"Map." I said and brought my hand to Netra who seemed enjoying this dangerous situation.

"Oh… What do you need the map for?" she asked petulantly while pouting like a child and I wondered for the nth time if the girl had some screw loose, but then I realized that she was a good person deep down and had saved my life on a few occasions now so thinking bad about her won't do.

I frowned at her whining and gave her a look that conveyed that I was not impressed and after a bit more pouting and a few whispered curses about me being a tight ass, she finally took out the map from her spatial ring and passed it on to me.

It was a 2 meter large map and was something that we acquired from a military base which now crawled with abnormals.

Till now, I had put all of my focus on focusing and left the path finding to Netra but it seemed that I needed to do something about it unless I want to go through more life endangering experiences.

I traced our current location, connected it with the path we had come from and the path we were going to take and frowned at the picture that came in front of me.

We were literally going to our location in a single line.

'Fuck!!!' I thought with irritation and suddenly felt more tired than I had any right to feel.

Really. I should have taken the map from her earlier.

I looked closely at the map and realized that if we had kept moving in the path she had chosen for us, then we would have reached a very dangerous area which was densely packed with towns and villages.

"We need to change our direction." I said and she perked up at my words.

"What's wrong with the direction we were taking?" she asked innocently and I had to stop myself from frowning because it seemed that she literally had no idea what she did wrong.

I really have no idea how she survived so far in this world.

Or maybe the reason why she is so strong is because she continuously fights against high odds.

Whatever her reason may have been, only a person with a death wish would continue along in this direction.

"We'll go along this way." I said as I made a new path for us to travel on.

It was just a simple path that lead away from the places with high density of abnormals.

I was sure that Rahul would have been able to create a far better plan than this but strategy was never really my forte so this will have to do for now.

"What? But why do we have to take such a large detour." She whined. "Wouldn't it be faster if we just went directly to the Army Shelter?" she asked innocently and I pinched my nose and her words.

~Sigh~ This girl.

"No. In truth…" I went ahead and explained why this path will be safer than the one we were travelling on so far and after a few minutes of argument she finally caved in and we continued on our journey on the 'safer' path.