Assault on the Behemoth

My assumption was correct.

The tens of thousands of abnormals walking beneath the behemoth (yeah that's what I've named it for now) were in some kind of hypnotised state.

The behemoth must have released some kind of pheromone to make them come to it and be so self servant to it that they would offer their bodies for it's growth.

If I was a scientist then I would have been very interested in that pheromone which made the abnormals become mindless and harmless dolls.

But as it was, I was more of a warrior and my interest lay in the abnormals themselves.

I sliced through their ranks at a rapid pace with my cleaver while I used my left hand to control the Clipping Glove to take out the crystals from their bodies.

So many abnormals and none of them reacted to my presence.

It was the perfect hunting ground for anyone who wanted to collect crystals.

It was easy.

Way too easy.

And that's why when nothing happened even after I killed almost a thousand of them, the sense of foreboding increased to a very high level.

I had expected the behemoth to use it's tentacles to attack me.

Or maybe release some kind of high tiered abnormal from it's body to protect it's food.

Or maybe form some kind of cannon in it's body that'll release high density bone projectiles at super speed.

But none of them happened which made me fear for my life even more.

An enemy that you can see and understand, no matter how strong is not as scary as an enemy that you know nothing about.

And that's why after I collected a thousand crystals, I decided to abort the mission and go back.

I did not know it this was my instinct forcing my hand or sheer paranoia but I did not want to get close to that behemoth ever again.

I ran back to the house where Netra was sleeping all the while looking around myself constantly for any sign of danger.

I almost expected to be ambushed or chased my high tier abnormals as I ran back but nothing of that sort happened.

When I finally thought that I had put enough distance between us and sighed it relief, that when it happened.

Four burning projectiles, going at what seemed like a slow speed from this distance but what must have been hundreds of kilometer/hour rose out of the horizon from the southern part fro somewhere outside my view and sailed toward the behemoth.

The surrounding suddenly turned quiet and in that silence, I wondered if this really was what I thought it was.

I did not have to think for long as the projectiles suddenly raised their speed and impacted the behemoth from the side.


A large shockwave of air rose from the explosion and I had to duck to the ground and cover my eyes to protect myself from it.

The giant explosion gave way to smoke and cover the entire area.

I waited with baited breath to see what will become of the behemoth after the explosion.

After all, no matter how big it was, it shouldn't be able to take such a large explosion to the face and remain standing, right.

The smoke subsided a few minutes later and I understood how wrong I was.


That's what the four missiles did to the behemoth.

I looked in the direction where the missiles had come from and wondered who had fired them but before I could think anything else, a large missile, twice as large as the ones before that, flew in the air but this time they came from the northern side of the behemoth.

'Some other party is attacking it as well.' I thought as the missile came closer and closer and closer and in the last moment, I saw the behemoth's skin go through some kind of change before the second explosion occurred.


A larger explosion than the one before took place and gave rise to a large shockwave.

I ducked down once again and waited for the smoke to clear up just like before.

And just like before, the behemoth remained standing, with not a single scratch on it's body.

But then again, this time I had expected it to take on the explosion unlike earlier.

It had remained unharmed but the same could not be said for the abnormals beneath it.

Most of the abnormals beneath it had perished because of the explosion and the heat and those that did not were not in any good condition either.

But I had a feeling that whoever had fired the missiles was not planning on the destroying the abnormals in the first place.

No, their target must be the giant behemoth and from the looks of it, it seemed that the missiles were not able to do any damage to it.

Then a third missile came from the North. This one was bigger than any other missile before but I had the sinking suspicions that it won't do much to the behemoth.

As the dust settled down and the smoke dissipated, I was unsurprised to find it standing as easily as it did before.

But then a stray thought entered my mind and I froze on my tracks.

If whoever is coordinating these attacks attacked from East, West and North, then that only leaves….

I turn back suddenly and run toward the house where I had left Netra.

Whoever this person was, he must have been very powerful and wealthy to buy so many missiles and conduct such an attack.

I did not wanted Netra to meet these people. She was not in any condition to fight and I did not want her to fight them either.

As I reached the house where Netra was resting in, I stopped in my tracks and felt my blood run cold.

The house… was gone.

In it's stead was a giant missile launcher.

'Netra…' the name reverberated in my mind as I remembered the times we spent together.

The first time we met. When she healed me.

The time when she shared her food with me.

The way she smiled at my lame jokes.

The faces she made in her sleep.

All these thoughts ran in my mind and I felt rage bubbling inside myself.

The house Netra was living in was gone. Buried under the large missile. And if the house was buried like this, then what happened to her?

"YOU BASTARDS!!!" I roared and charged at the person who was currently setting up the missiles.