
I raised my fist and charged at the person who was setting up the missiles and threw a punch at him but the person muttered a 'hmm' and looked in my direction at the second and…

'Netra?' My body froze once again and I tried to stop my attack but I was moving too fast and there wasn't enough time to do anything else.

I saw her eyes widening at the last second before I collided with her and we both flew of the platform, fell on the ground with the speed of a train and rolled about for a good hundred meters before we finally came to a stop.

In the moment when we collided, I had wrapped my arms around her so that she won't get injured when we fell to the ground and my hands were burning at the moment despite the protect of the Defensive suit.

I cried in pain and dropped her from my embrace before I cured up in a fetal position and rolled around on the ground, doing my best to ignore the pain.

"You idiot." I heard her voice from behind me before she felt something bit into my shoulders.

Suddenly the pain in my hands disappeared and I felt my vision starting to blur.

I looked back at Netra and realized that she was holding onto a weird syringe.

'Probably some kind of painkiller.' I thought before my vision blurred once again and soon I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of an explosion.

I opened my eyes to look at the source of the explosion but closed them quickly as I felt a searing headache at the bright surrounding.

I massaged my head as the sound of fighting entered my head.

I knew that Netra must have been fighting something or someone so I ignored the headache the best I could and opened my eyes just a tiny bit to observe my surroundings.

There in the distance I could see the large Missile Launcher that was as big as a house with missiles the size of three large trucks.

Except that this time the missile launcher was torn to pieces and the missile it self was bent out of shape by what looked like claw marks.

Wait what!?

Another explosion happened in the distance and I averted my gaze from the broken missile launcher to two dark forms that were fighting against each other in such speed I was not able to clearly focus on them.

To my eyes they were just a blur.

I watched the two blurry figures fighting against each other as a red hue formed in the distance, indicating that dawn had arrived.

But the fact that a new day had arrived did not matter to the two figures as they continued their battle against each other, destroying anything they touched.

Suddenly one of the figure was punched in the impact threw that figure with such power and speed that it only stopped after it had went through a total of 7 houses.

I grimaced at the sight and prayed that Netra was the one who had thrown the punch but as the dust cleared and the form of the attacker became clear, I realized to my dismay that the attacker was an abnormal.

And not just any abnormal.

But one that looked very much like a Holler that followed behind Neha.

Just that this one was far smaller than the Holler. In fact, it was the size of a small child.

And the red color covering it's entire body was far darker than a Holler.

In fact, it seemed like it had no skin at all as the sun rays reflected off it's body, giving it's skin a slimy texture.

I shook my head and cleared the headache before looking at where Netra had fallen.

She had gone through 7 houses and stopped after entering the 8th house.

The person that came out of the house was wearing a Defensive armour like the one I owned. But I knew from experience that her armour must be far stronger than the suit that I wear around.

It was the first time I had ever seen Netra wear her armour and she looked dazzling in it.

That figure of hers…

Wait! Now's not the time.

I rose from my position and felt that my body was not moving as I had expected it to.

It felt sluggish.

Probably the after effects of the Pain killer she had given me.

But sluggish or not, I must help Netra.

Even if I die trying.

"Agility Booster. Activate." I said and the next moment I was in front of abnormal.

I threw a punch at it and saw it's eyes widen in shock at my speed but it was able to bring up it's hands in defense at the last moment.

My punch probably did not hurt it in the least since Agility booster skill doesn't increase my strength but that was not my intention in the first place.

As I punched it, all my momentum was transferred into it and it flew in the air, rolling around on the ground a few times before it dug it's fingers on the asphalt and stopped itself.

It looked up at me with baleful eyes and I felt like a duck sitting in front of tiger for only a second before I squashed the fear at it's source and smiled back at it.

I had done my job.

It continued glaring at me for a moment longer before it's expression turned to surprise. Then shock.

Then it's head fell down to the ground with a thud and blood poured out of it's neck in a fountain.

It was the first time I had ever seen an abnormal bleed so much. Most of the time their blood is too thick.

'This abnormal must really be different from the others.' I thought and felt the adrenaline drain away from my body.

Behind the abnormal, Netra flicked her sword and cleaned it with a cloth before putting it back inside the sheath like a samurai.

A very hot samurai.

I smiled warmly at her and she smiled back in a similar fashion before a loud explosion rang in the distance once again.

I looked back ducked down just before the shockwave of the explosion hit me.

It seems like the missile attack on the Behemoth was still in process. And this one explosion seemed to dwarf all the ones before it.

I did not know the person behind these explosions whoever he he seemed pretty persistent. Or maybe it's a girl for all I know. Not that it matters.

I felt a tug on my hand and looked back at Netra who had a worried expression on her face as she looked at the explosion.

"We need to leave. Quickly." She said and I nodded back at her. Just as a relieved expression formed in her face, I added "But I have questions. And you won't dodge my questions this time." I said in a demanding tone but there was a hint of request in it.

Her expression dropped a bit but she must have understood my intentions as she nodded back with some determination after which we quickly left the area.