Defending the Ship

Xing Dao, Captain of the Gold Monkey Pirates, raised his saber up high before pointing it at the sky ship. 

"Such a wonderful ship is sure to have a few treasures and beauties! Come men, let's have us a good time!"

Every ship he lead met his words with shouts and hoots of excitement. Quickly, they scattered and began their operation, looking to surround the sky ship. 

"Move the power towards the cannons! Fight them off!" 

The captain of the Heaven's Gate sky ship began shouting orders as everyone took to their positions. It was not long before the cannon fire started. From the sky ship, booming beams of light arced throught the clouds as the hull revealed numerous cannons. However, the pirate ships were swift avoiding a fair number of shots. 

Ming Yue left her room with Hei Yue and Xiao Yin and ascended the deck, where several members of the crew memebers prepared to fight. 

"Wait! Please return to your room, it is not safe here."