The Harpoon Wielding Captain

In the chaos, the crew members of the sky ship found that something was amiss. 

"This's not very high", Boss Hang thought. 

They were outnumbered by a large margin. There were only a hundred of them while the Gold Monkey Pirates had over a thousand members. Yet, despite these odds, the situation did not seem as bad as they thought it would be. It felt manageable to them. 

The same could not be said for the pirates. 

They were in disarray and too many of their comrades had died. It came to a point where even Xing Dao found the situation to be troublesome. He looked at the sky ship, trying to locate the source of this problem. 

"What is...a young girl? A little girl like her is able to do this much? Are my men that weak?"

He spoke with disbelief and anger as he watched Ming Yue's figure, flashing about.