The Cerulean Serpent

The Cerulean Serpent's lake is massive enough to be called a small ocean, taking several days to fully cross. Travel far enough and there was water as far as the eye could see. It was certainly a serene place, quiet and calm. The surface of the lake was calm and unbroken, it was almost like a mirror. 

After all, this lake had nothing else but the Cerulean Serpent within its depths. Even then, you would not find it, especially if it does not want to be found. Flying over it all was Xue Yue, standing on her sword of wind. She stood there, holding her sheathed sword. 

She sped up as much as she could but tried her best to conserve her energy, soaring over the lake. 

"Ah damn, she really went overboard this time."

Xue Yue muttered quietly as she scowled at her other half.