Yin Bing, The World Serpent

"Yes, Xiu Luo Yang, the one you call Dragon of the Sun, is my younger cousin. Then again, they're all younger cousins to me."

The serpent chuckled as she looked at Xue Yue curiously. The pressure lessened as she restrained her aura. 

"Say, you have another voice within you, how peculiar. I wonder whom I am speaking to."

She looked back at the creature, trying to speak under this pressure. 

"It doesn't matter to you, does it? She woke up recently and our body is weak. Whether or not, you want to speak with the other voice, you can only speak with me, the current owner", she replied. 

"I see, I see. Well then, you've met my younger cousin then. How is he doing? Ever since the three continents were broken, I haven't seen him at all. I've been too focused on my own recovery", the serpent asked. 

Xue Yue then explained quickly of what had happened between her and Xiu Luo Yang only to get a wistful stare from the serpent.