The Empty Camp

Not long after, Yin Bing arrived at the shore to which Xue Yue got off and charged forward towards the empty camp. She looked around carefully before shouting out. 

"Hello, is anyone there?! Can you hear me?! Shout! Say something!"

But there was no response coming from anywhere in this camp. Still, she continued to search for any sign of them. 

It was empty, to say the least. The camp was large with dozens of cloth tents and a large stone building, devoid of any decor. There was a small pit with dried blood splattered all over, most likely a place for entertainment. 

"The demons are gone now! I'm here to rescue you!"

She searched and searched but found no one. 

"This place is empty... There's no one here, not even a body in sight. Where could they be?" 

Xue Yue stopped at the center of the camp and looked around, trying to think of a way to perhaps gain their trust quickly. Then Ming Yue spoke up.