A Peerless Sword, One Without Equal.

Ming Yue looked at her and nodded. 

"Yes, I just recently woke up and decided to look around for a bit. Have I intruded on something?" she asked. 

The doctor shook her head. 

"No, no, seeing you alive is a good thing. In a better situation, I would not be so unkempt but it has been hectic." 

Taking another look at her, Ming Yue found this doctor's clothes and hair to be a bit disheveled. Her hands were still covered in blood and her face was dull. She was tired, to say the least, perhaps exhausted would be a better word. Still, her eyes showed a bit of light, especially after seeing Ming Yue well. 

The cultivator looked around, studying the injured. 

"Did something happen? I thought that a barrier had been put up by the Cerulean Serpent?" she asked. 

The doctor sighed as she looked at the ground for a moment.