Weapon Spirits

In the far west where the demon soldiers were, Kong Zhi at on his stone throne, gripping the armrest tightly. And he could not hold it in any longer, ripping it clean off and throwing it forward, sending it crashing into the ground. His breath was heavy and his eyes were crazed

"He's dead as well?!" he shouted. 

Kneeling in front of him was Shi Hou, cupping his fists and looking downwards. 

"Yes, my lord, Hai Zhu is dead."

Hearing it once more, Kong Zhi stood up to grab his throne and toss it in front of him. His stone skin began to glow and tremble as his bloodline began to activate. However, he stopped it from fully manifesting, taking a deep breath. He turned and looked at the Roaring King, maintain his composure. 

"You three were the strongest out of the entire army and now two of you are dead. We've lost not only the Boundless Beast Forest but the lake as well. With every day, we are being pushed back by the humans and they grow stronger."