What the Future May Hold

Ao Qin and the Four Claws stepped aside for the others to come forward. One of them brought their hand forward, pointing their spatial ring out towards the workbench. It began to glow for a few moments before a massive slab of stone came out, firmly planted onto the workbench with a thud. 

It was a loud thud, enough to grab the attention of the other scholars. There was a moment of silence before Lao Yang practically jumped for joy. 

"Ahahahah! Here it is! A key to one of the Teleportation Arrays!" he exclaimed, "Let's see here! How does it work? What sort of hidden mechanisms might it have?!" 

It took him no more than five minutes to start going around the circular stone slab, studying it closely while jotting notes and sketching it out.

"Let's see here, the design on top is quite unique, resembles the formation on the Teleportation array. Interesting, interesting..." he muttered to himself, staring at it almost obsessively.