Meeting With Bai Sheng

There was a moment of quiet before the door opened and Ao Qin entered the house. The Four Claws followed him in with Yu Tu last, turning to close the door behind her. 

"Wait, there's someone else."

Bai Sheng suddenly stopped the rabbit-kin from closing it. She stared out at the partially opened door but there was nothing to come. 

"There is no use hiding from me, I know that you are out there. Reveal yourself or I will force you out."

Her words came out calmly and firmly. It was a warning, her only warning. 

Moments later, there was some movement as a figure came out and stepped forward, showing themselves to the others. Ao Qin suddenly narrowed his eyes as he looked. 

"You?" he said aloud. 

It was none other than Ruishi Lei that stood at the doorway and as the White Lion walked in, he closed the door behind him.