A New Guest

"Ha, there's quite a number of them down there."

Ao Qin whistled out, looking down below and seeing all of the little lights coming from the torches. 

"They really decided to reveal a few of their cards here, didn't they?" he muttered to himself.

Suddenly, the dragon-kin looked beside him to find Ruishi Lei walking up to look as well. 

"Of course, on the outside, this is an opportunity to reconnect with the other races. On the inside, it will be an opportunity to gain more strength. This will alter our life drastically. The balance of power was already shaken by the beast gods. There might not be an all-out war but the tension is there. Some tribes may rise to the top while others fall from their place". he said. 

"Heh, you have quite a way with words."

"It is only my own thoughts. Things may be vastly different than what I have said."