Going Back

But Jin Nao quickly moved to stand in front of Lao Yang and the other two scholars. The dog-kin had a hand gripped tightly on her sword. But the old goat walked forward, taking a few steps past her, and stood in front of Ming Yue and her group. 

"Humans?! Alongside a Twin-Tailed Mao and two beasts whom I've never seen before. And this is what you lot were secretly working on?" 

He suddenly turned, looking at Ao Qin, Ruishi Lei, and those who were in on it. His gaze had a fury to them like no other. 

"Bringing a human along with us? I... I can't even fathom how or where or even what this is now!" 

Lao Yang's voice was loud but it wasn't angry, in fact, he has brimming with excitement! The old goat looked back at Ming Yue with curiosity. 

"How did you even get into contact with one another? Have you always been in these lands? Where did you come from? Who are you?!"