A Sudden Invitation

"Ha! Over there! How about here!"

Within a small but quaint courtyard, Rou'er enthusiastically shouted as she swung her sword at Ming Yue. Despite her childlike demeanor, her attacks were sharper than ever, moving with the intent to defeat her opponent. 

But it was Ming Yue she was sparring with, not some ordinary person. 

"Hehe, you know, that shouting your next move just tells me when and where you're going to attack, right?"

She chuckled, parrying the girl's attacks with nothing more than a stick. 

Rou'er took a step back, forced away by the parries. She pointed her sword at the young woman, breathing hard but smiling. 

"Why not? I see other people do it, why can't I? I think it makes me look cooler! Don't you call out your moves too?" she replied before charging in. 

Their weapons clashed against one another and the sparring session continued.