Visiting the Eternal Blade Sect

"Since she mentioned Fei Xian, do you want to go visit the sect?" Elder Fei asked. 

Ming Yue turned to him and nodded. 

"I haven't seen him in a while, it would be nice to say hello at least once, maybe talk to them about the Beast Continent", she said. 

"Mm, I see. I believe that they'll be back in the next few days. But we planned on coming with the sect to the tournament so you'll see them when we join the group. It's in a week or two."

Saying his piece, the Elder leaned forward, grabbing a bit more for his bowl. 

"That's fine, I don't think that I'll be with you guys but I'll be tailing from behind", Ming Yue replied

Having figured out the main details of this. breakfast was soon concluded with empty plates and a satisfied stomach. Everyone sat there comfortably, idly chatting as they relaxed for a bit.