The Initiation of the Ten-Year Trial

Xing Juren just shook his head. 

"Don't say that. You should know just how dangerous a Frostflame Bear can be."

"But still! It's not like we haven't killed them before! Grandfather managed to kill one, didn't he?" she rebuked.

The brother sighed, turning to look at her. 

"Yes, he did. However, he did so at the expense of his arm alongside two of his greatest comrades. He might have grown stronger since then but he has always warned us of encountering such a beast."

Having said these words, he looked forward, navigating through the mountains. Meanwhile, Xing Hou was a bit quiet, probably unable to say anything back. 

As things moved along, the group of five made their way through the Xue Mountains. 

Ming Yue hunted and gathered anything that came their way, placing it all into the jar.