Tenacious Beast

As the group readied themselves, the beast reared its head towards them, walking on all fours as it shook off the snow.

"A Frostflame Bear..."

Xing Hou took a step back as did the others. They thought they could escape for a moment, but the bear had long noticed them. 

Glaring at them with a pair of icy blue eyes, its mouth opened. 

"Quick! Dodge its breath!" Xing Juren shouted. 

Everyone scattered, moving just as the Frostflame Bear breathed out fiery blue flames. Everything that breath touched turned to ice in an instant. 

"Storm Lance."

The beast was suddenly struck at the sides, faltering by just a step. It turned toward the direction of the attack before letting out another breath of blue fire. 

But Ming Yue kept her distance, attacking the beast's blindspot. 

"Xiao Yin, Hei Yue! Don't get close!"