My goal is bandit loot

In the end out of all gems I had I managed to finish 5 Nature's touch spells, 5 Life grace spells which is also great healing spell and another 2 Life bestowal which were borderline mid-grade healing spells, rest of the emeralds were unfortunately ruined. As for rubies I made them all into Mana burning spell because of lack of ideas for fire spells and for sapphire I finished 10 Mana tide spells and another 2 Frozen steps spell which allows me to walk on water for a period of time, I didn't touch diamonds because I have plans for them for later. So my current standing with gem spells is 5 Nature's touch, 5 Life grace, 2 Life bestowal, 11 Mana burning, 10 Mana tide and 2 frozen steps. Considering that I can re-use a gem couple of times at least I'm geared enough for some minor misfortunes if I come upon them.

Well I could talk some about my current goal, I'm aiming for a bandit lair in mountain cave somewhere west-north-west along the mountain from beginner's village. There is actually a quest from town major in city for this bandit lair but I could just exterminate them now and finish the quest later when I go to city, of course it won't be easy because it was supposed to be a group quest for players that reached the city so every bandit in that cave will have at least level 10 to 15 with some additional elite and rare bandits and of course nothing without one boss level bandit. I should probably mention that terrain of the cave is totally unsuitable for raiding so bandits have another advantage, which would be the reason why town major still didn't finish them off.

Of course raiding them normally would be really hard, but my advantage is that I'm alone and I'm infiltrating them and not raiding their lair, of course end result would be the same but approach is different. There should be somewhere between fifty to hundred bandits depending on the RNG (Random number generator) God and his grace, although I would've loved it if there were more of them considering these bandits aren't respawnable. Some NPC's in this world aren't respawnable, like some quests who are available only for players who do it first, but there are of course normal quests that can be completed by many groups and even some quests that can be repeatedly finished by same people over and over again. Of course every sort of the quests has different kind of rewards and reward for these bandits is quite desirable even for me, not to mention that my main goal isn't even that quest, it's just a side benefit of my goal and my main goal is part of the loot those bandits have stashed in their lair.

Although my class is Soul Manipulator I give more importance to my profession Combat Merchant because it's main point of my long term goal so rest of my side goals are mostly related to my profession. If you use some logic in thinking you can connect the dots, let me help you out a bit, who are bandits robbing mostly? Exactly, merchants! And with my profession being merchant I can gain quite some benefits from the bandit loot, and that's just my main goal, side benefits are a lot of exp from cross-level killing I would get from bandits and also a bountiful quest reward I will get from town major bounty quest for these bandits.

Unfortunately the down side of everything is that I have to cross a freaking big area before reaching that lair because it is situated on mid layer of the mountain, let me remind you I said mid layer of mountain, not forest, it's the same mountain and forest I went to before but it's different part of it because this mountain chain is quite long and normally a person would need about two weeks to just reach the beginners village from where the mountain starts, and to cross whole mountain range you wouldn't be able to do it without at least a month's time. Yeah its one freaking big mountain right…

Matter of size aside, this quest was intended to be finished by level 10 and above players from city so it's situated closer to the first city than to beginner's village. But everything I mentioned is only if you consider normal person stats, but my speed is three times faster than normal person even if I'm walking I'm walking at a pace that normal person can't possibly keep up with so it will take me two and half days to reach bandit lair. Considering that I spent already more than a day in game traveling I still have about a day before I reach my destination, well if I sprint I could probably reach there by the nightfall but I would be far from being in condition to fight hundred men alone so I'm just taking my time, I already have level advantage, I'm not even considering my knowledge advantage because it's practically cheating, having a prophet-like friend really makes some things easy doesn't it. Oh you guys might be wondering about the whole prophet-like talk so I'll try and explain a bit of it since I have some time to kill.