Chapter 285 : Going To The 65th Floor!!! 4

After they were fired up, they all put more effort into clearing the rooms on the floors...

They steadily proceeded and reached the 63rd floor quite easily and with minimal damage while even that could be healed by Seo or Riveria...

There was excitement in the air for diving that deep into the dungeon...

They just stepped on the 63rd floor and have 7 more floors to go...

Continue to kill various monsters and gaining their excelia, everyone wondered how strong they will be when they returned to the surface...

They've lost count on how many wounds they got and healed and after everything around them they finally reached the 65th floor...

They didn't care about the cold along the way only their goal as each and everyone alike pushed the other forward and they finally made it...

Tiona : Finally!!!

Tione : We arrived...

Finn : This place?? Lakes??

Riveria : Trees in their Springtime??

Aria : That's odd... I don't remember lakes being formed here...

Shirohime : You remember well, there weren't lakes 1000 years ago...

Shirohime : Only trees in the growth after a harsh winter or something like that...

Seo : Are there monsters inside the lakes??

Shirohime : Not that I know off...

Seo : Shiva... Go and check out ahead the rest those below Level 5 rest while those from Level 6 and upwards take turns in resting...

Seo : Haruhime, can you cook anything up??

Haruhime : I will take care of it, I didn't fight much so I'm not that tired...

Seo : Thank you...

Everyone plopped to the ground as they tried to make heads and tails of their experience coming here through the frozen floors and fighting...

Everyone looked at Ais who for the most part covered their mistakes with her magic and wondered when she became so strong...

Literally breaking down her magic into stages made her a force to be reckoned with and Finn with Riveria were very astonished...

After three hours of resting, the shifts changed so that everyone can have food and some sleep...

Seo had separated himself from the group as he searched around and heavily relied on his X-Rounder to warn him of danger...

He preached the lakes and placed his hand inside to check if it was corrosive or taking some kind of damage in case it was poison, he even drunk some of it to make sure...

Seeing nothing happens to him after some minutes, he directly dived inside and started swimming to the end of it...

When he reached the bottom of the lake he found tunnels that connected various places and made him narrowed his eyes as he has a feeling that if he rushes to one of them he would have trouble getting out...

Since this was the case he swam upwards and finally got outside of the lake before returning to the camp they had temporarily made...

Surprisingly enough he found Shirohime waiting for him a few meters after he got out...

Seo : What are you doing so far outside of the Camp??

Shirohime : I was curious as to what you found and stayed here to see your results but judging from your face it wasn't that good...

Seo : Well under the lakes there are tunnels which I'm willing to bet connected the other lakes...

Seo : However I had a feeling that if I enter i would not be able to find my way out...

Shirohime : You mean not be able to sense where you are??

Seo : Yeah something like that...

Seo : Therefore I wanted to see, if this was the case for the next floor...

Shirohime : There are lakes to the next floor through 70 and fewer but dangerous monsters...

Shirohime : If you are lucky you might not encounter one...

Seo : I see...