Chapter 286 : Going To The 70th Floor!!!

Seo : So that's why you said i might reach the 70th Floor if I venture alone otherwise if I take all things into consideration perhaps this floor is my solo limit...

Shirohime nodded to his statement which made him sigh as they returned back just in time to see everyone being energetic for their own good...

Tiona : Yosh!!! We can do it!!!

Tiona : Target 70th Floor!!!

Bete : Obviously we are gonna reach it...

Gareth : Heh...

Finn : You are all so fired up so how can we stay behind like this...

Seo : Great momentum... As expected from Loki Familia...

Riveria : Did you found anything worthy of our notice??

Seo : I did discover something but I would like to check the next and the one after to be sure...

When he finished his wards everyone nodded to him and were ready to departure with excitement and fighting intent in their eyes to reach where they hadn't reached before...

Seo : By the way, Finn did you found what we wanted for the Quest??

Finn : Shiva found a few flowers and herbs and some other stuff as you were out and we gathered everything...

Finn : So our so-called quest has ended...

Seo : So now remains the issue of reaching the 70th floor...

Lets move out!!!

After screaming, everyone raised their heads and followed the path were the stairs we located and proceeded towards the 66th Floor...

When they reached it they came across the same setting as above them with trees ready to blood in their spring and lakes surrounding them with the only difference the water was getting darker and darker...

They kept moving as they met few monsters along the 66th Floor only to fall under the combined efforts of several people...

Tanking one with a team is feasible but from what Finn and Seo could see if they met a horde of them it would really be a game-breaker...

It wasn't long that Seo asked them to stop near the entrance for the stairs going to the 67th floor and dived into the lake...

He felt as if the water was mud instead of swimming freely and that made him swim slower and took longer to reach the bottom where true enough there were tunnels here as well...

After checking through he swam back to the surface and when he got out he took a deep breath as he was almost out of the air...

Perhaps the next floor will be his limit in checking it...

Seo : It's the same as the previous floor...

Seo : However this one here feels like swimming through mud while it's clearly water...

Finn : Then does that mean the one on the 67th Floor would be much harder to dive in??

Seo : Yeah...

Riveria : What exactly are you trying to find through these??

Seo : I have a feeling that these tunnels connect all the way to 80-90 floor...

Seo : But if you try to preach the tunnels your senses become muzzled up making it difficult to tell where you are...

Finn : And you wish to see if that is true and you somehow cut corners??

Seo : Every few floors there are shortcuts from the 12-3 jump downwards reaching 17 floor...

Seo : To the 51-2 reaching 58 floors...

Gareth : Hmm... That is a good observation and a point we always left aside...

Finn : We only use those as an emergency because we never know what will happen and we need to jump from one distorted to possible another one...

Seo : I know even I don't use shortcuts...

Seo : But it would be nice to know if there is one...

Shirohime : Well as many times as I've passed through here I've never bothered looking for them...

Seo : With your strength, you don't need them you simply breeze through the floors...