The Hell opens - part 1

Jun pull up his phone. "Ben, I wanted you to sent someone imposed as work accident victim in An Corporation. I want their family to sue them and asked Harry to represent them. Let stain their company reputation. I wanted Mr An, who like shopped around with the girl, become a drug addict and got HIV AIDS." Jun instruct to Ben, as he wanted to start his painful revenge to Shuei Lan and An family. "Yes boss. When do you want this thing happen?" He asked him. "Now. Aren't you capable enough to understand my word?" Jun dump all his frustration to Ben. "Understand boss. Anything else? Who is going to attend the shareholder meeting on Monday?" Ben asked him. "I will attend it. Clear my schedule for it." Jun told him before disconnected the line. Jun got really bad headache due on exhausted, whilst Linda slept on the bench. Jun walked to check on his wife condition from the outside window. He opened one button on his shirt which exposed upper broad chest, to relax himself. Bella still lay motionless on her bed with all the tube and medical equipment attached on her. Nathan started to inject some medication into Bella IV line and turn off her propofol IV injection machine. Collin take off her Oxygen tube and change it to the mask. They wanted to wait while monitoring her body vital reaction. Bella started to cough and shakes in the same time. Nathan put her body to her right side and hold it tight whilst Collin pump oxygen through her mask. Finally, she open her eyes and stopped her cough. Collin check her chest and breathing sound, it shows a good sign of recovery even though it still weak. They were satisfied with the result.

Bella confused with the surrounding environment, and she can see Nathan stand next to her. She wanted to talk but her throat is in pain. She closed her eyes as she felt so sleepy and tired. Jun could see the improvement on his wife condition. He still in shock after saw his wife body shake so hard. He was going to kill Nathan and Collin because of that, but after seeing his wife wake up and sleep again. He feels at ease and a heavy rock has been lifted from his back. Collin and Nathan walked outside to Jun. "I am going to bring my fiancée to sleep in the hotel. I think Bella will be fine, as she passed the critical phase," Nathan explained to Jun before he wakes Linda up. They left the hospital to find the nearest hotel to rest.

"why she closed her eyes again Collin?" Jun asked him curiously. "She slept again as the residue of Proforol still in her system. she will be fine after a couple of hours." Collin assures him about her condition. Jun nod on his tired faces. "Why don't you use my lounge to catch few hour sleep Jun. You don't want to be hospitalized also." Collin asked Jun to go take a few hour sleep. Jun shook his head, "no, I will just rest my eyes on that chair. I don't want to be far away from my girl." Jun answered him and take the seat. He literary put his head back and close his eyes. Brian saw his boss rest, he becomes relaxed a little bit. As Jun drifted to his sleep, it doesn't mean that his hell door is not open.

Ben started to arrange someone to pose as a victim from An Corporation workplace accident. It was a normal working Sunday at the An Corporation latest project. Because the project has to be put on hold, so they asked them to work overtime with the available resources. One of the paid victims slipped from the third floor with a damaged safety harness. He felt from the third floor and bleeding from his back and broke his foot. Everyone rushed to call an emergency ambulance and save him. Ben paid the victim friend to record the whole accident with damage safety harness, and he has to disappear after handing it to Ben. Ben paid a good sum of money for him and his family for retirement.

As the normal procedure of next of kin, the family has to be notified for the fallen victim. They are a poor and uneducated family that depend on the victim to earn their living. Ben has bribed them to ask for compensation, and give Harry phone number to help them.

"Mr Lim, this is Ben. Mr Shin asked you to take the case for workers compensation." Ben called to harry. "Ben, tell me the reason that I have to spare my important time to defend a small and unimportant case like that," Harry answered with his impatient tone. "Mr Lim, the victim was a pawn from Mr Shin side. He wanted to revenge his wife suffering. As the company involved with the incident is his brother in Law Company." Ben explained to him. "What happened with his wife? Why he has to open hell like this?" Harry still not satisfied with Ben explanation. "Mrs Shin was in comma last few days because her stepsister poisons her," Ben told him the truth. Harry took off his glasses and blow a big breath out from his mouth. He still remembered the state of girl that got transferred to a mental asylum, because she bullied Bella. "Give the family my business card and I will be charged the fees to Jun tab. Understand!!" Harry sympathize with Jun at the moment. If his wife got bullied and sent to the hospital, he won't let the culprit roam free in this world.

An Si Hao makes their honeymoon short this time. They flew back to Imperial with an overnight flight. As soon as they landed to the Imperial city, Si Hao drove Shuei Lan to their house and left her to go to his office. His mother told him that his dad had been three days in the company to solve the chaos and he didn't return home. In the Chairman office, he didn't find anyone inside the office. Si Hao makes phone connection to his dad. "Dad, where are you?" Si Hao asked him like a small kid. "Si Hao, come to join me. Ahhh..ah… I am in heaven right now…. Oh, my Heaven…. Right in those spot girl…." He giggling on the phone and it made Si Hao blushes. He found out that his dad was having an affair with another girl, so he closes off the phone straight away. He called his assistant in to help him for preparing the report for the meeting on the next day.

In the brothel house, the girl started to introduce a happy pill to Father An. Ben arranged some infected prostitute to slept with Father An without any protection. Ben asked the owner to start him with heroin so he got addicted to all those drugs. He got injected with HIV/AIDS needle while he was slept and exhausted from the sexual activity. He felt so good even on his dreaming, because the effect from the drug.