The Hell open- part 2

Mother An sat in front of the television whilst cutting fruit for her to eat. Shuei Lan came down from her room and sat next to her. "Mother, where is Father An?" she asked with a timid voice. "don't need to bother for that old fox. he must be in some brothel house with God knows who, " Mother An answered her with an angry tone. She knew her husband bad habit with a girl, but Mother An couldn't bother to ask divorce from him. she worked so hard to build her image and positioning inside the circle of an upper-class socialite. a widow status won't spare her any benefit for the image she holds after so many years. she was exhausted all her resources to be in her place today. "mother, should we attend the shareholder meeting or not?" Shuei Lan detests the idea to sit idly and listen to more stuff in the office. she never ever suits to work hard, but she doesn't realize that her karma will come soon. "We have to attend it to show the shareholder some support from the An family member. Let's go have some sleep" Mother An spoke to Shuei Lan.

Si Hao was stretching his arm after long hours of working. He didn't have any break after a long flight from Bali and come to the office straight away. he still remembered Bella would come after her work and helped him. she would obediently wait for him until he finished his work. he could see that the sofa lounge where she always sat down and read her book or helped him sorted his file. he really regretted his decision to leave her. He promised himself to meet her after all the work in the company finished.

Ben sent someone to give the victim family some courage to claim workers compensation and some work strike for this incident. they made a phone call to Harry to represent them. Harry sent his capable assistant to take the statement from the eyewitness and reported it to the police. Ben reported to Jun that everything was working as he planned. he even has the paperwork signed by father AN regarding his resignation as chairman and surrender his shares and position to Jun Shin.

in the hospital, Collin decided to move Bella out from ICU. her condition was improving significantly. it was either the brevetoxin gave to her in a small amount or the toxin was a fake one. unfortunately, the main culprit was messing with the wrong person. Collin has been with Jun almost two-decade as one of his closest friend among Harry and Dan. He knew that his best friend bottom line had been crossed. He still remembered the day Jun's parent passed away, his world was scattered. Many of Jun's parent business opponent started to take advantages of his parent circumstances. Jun mourned for a month before he started to kick his parent business opponent with a cold and ruthless way. Jun built his empire with his own hand and he stands on the top of the business world. Collin owed Jun his life, as he saved him from his dad problem. Collin born from a wealthy family until his dad mistress started to get greedy and finished all their family fortune. Jun took him under his company and pushed him until his position now. It was the same story with Harry and Dan. Jun is their protector.

in the morning, Bella wakes up with a sore throat. She sat up to find her husband slept on the lounge with a laptop on his lap. he divine beautiful face draw Bella to be grateful as Jun's lawfully wife. "Jun..." Bella called weakly to her husband. Jun opened his eyes as soon as he hears her voice. "How are you feeling?" Jun asked her with a worried tone. "I am fine but I am really thirsty. can you get me some water please." She asked him. Jun hurried to get her a bottle of water. She drank half of the bottle and Bella have satisfied with the thirst. Jun kissed her forehead, "don't dare to leave me alone. I will make the hell open to pull you up." Jun said possessively. "I am here now, my hubby," Bella said with her weak voice. Bella put her arm around his neck. it wouldn't take a long time after their quality time together got disturbed by Nathan, Linda and followed by Ben.

Linda started to cry her eyes out and hug Bella, whilst Nathan took out his stethoscope to check on Bella condition. He was smiling to Linda and Bella as he was impressed with Bella quick recoveries. Ben brings Jun fresh new suit and a pair of Italian shoes, include his toiletries. They will attend An Corporation emergency shareholder meeting. "Bella, are you fine here? I can cancel my meeting today and stay with you." Jun asked his wife to respond. " you need to go to work Jun. I will be fine with my two handsome doctors and Linda by my side." Bella answered him with her teasing way. "we will be here with Bella. you can go to your work." Linda assured Jun about it. Jun made his way to the bathroom to be ready. he came out from the bathroom with his noble presence, as his dark colour suit immersed lucifer aura arisen from hell. Jun kissed Bella lips and forehead to remind her about his presence before he left with Brian and Ben.

In the bustling Industrial area, Jun arrived in the lobby of An Corporation. he had put his cold and emotionless face. Mother An and Shuei Lan were coming at the same time with him. "Is that your brother in law, Jun Shin?" Mother An asked her daughter in law. "he is not yet my brother in law, as they are not yet married. And mother, She is my stepsister." SHuei Lan answered her. Mother An knew that Shuei Lan detests Bella so much, but if she can be on the good side of Jun Shin, it will lead them to marvellous life. the urban legend said that Jun Shin is a generous man if we are in his good side. the Shin Corporation employee generous remuneration as the example and his best friend was listed in the top 20 riches man. Mother An was going to greet him, however, he was surrounded by his bodyguard. They even not let anyone be in one elevator with him except his personal assistant and head of his security. everyone was questioning about Jun presence in the AN Corporation this morning, if his intention to merge contract, An Corporation would be blessed.