Preparation for the Hunt part 2

In the upper class district of city there were many marvelous houses and astonishing palaces. No earlier then one and a half century ago this city was capital of Cappadocian Kingdom and splendor of that state was still visible here. Among may great building one of the finest was house of the Lusin family. It was a three flor construction made out of red bricks and covered with white plaster. In the first flor where the host's family lived there was many widows with crystal clear glass windowpane. The widows in second and third level, that were either rented or were inhabited by family's servants, had vellum instead of glass. The house was placed in a big garden with many tres and flowers surrounding it.

Early in the morning a group of soldiers enter the garden. Four of them wear iron chin-mails, brown leather sandals, grey woolen cloaks and face-open helmets. Each one of them had a short pointy sword, javelins and big oval-shape shield. A young men under his twenty was their companion. He was rather slim, but you could see his mussels, had semi-long curly red hair, pale complexion, sparkling green eyes and impish smile. He wear sandals similar to the others, his cloak was yellow. Over his mail he were a white tunic with an emblem that in its shape was similar to an "f" letter. He was armored with a bronze sword that was straight up to one third of its length but the rest of it was curved like a crescent. All of this group was lead by a young knight in a green cloak.

As soon as they entered to the garden a guard approached them.

-"You are not suppose to be here. This a private property leave now and no one will be harmed"

On those words the knight answered

-"This rather stupid than boldly telling such a thing to those who have numerical advantage. And even if this was not a case you should not be so careless. I suspected that someone who speak in coine would be wiser."

After that words the guard started to glare on intruders intensively until he realized who they were. His knee started to shake, sweat appeared on his forehead. He made two steps back and stared to beg.

-"I... I mean no... no disrespect s-sir... plea-please forgive me!"-he felt waves of heat hitting his body while his heart bumped faster and faster, he saw a black shapes in his eyes.

-"And I should spear you because?"-how pathetic was this guard who was standing in front of him a proud knight seeking for glory? This was truly disgusting.

-"I BEG YOU MY LORD!" the guard bow his knee, he was almost unconscious(and he piss his pants too)

-"Your life is not even worth me to use a sword. You may go"

-"Th-thank you my lord I will never forgive your mercy I shall tell everyone how good you are!"-This feel of sudden safe and security was unspeakable the guard never feel something like this before.

-"Out of my eyes NOW!"

-"Y..yes sir!"-and so the guard run away. And while he was running a brown shade appeared between his legs.

Then the knight told to his comrades in quiritian:"Remember boys terror is the first and most efficient weapon of the Imperium. If they are paralyzed by fear they would not be even thinking about any rebellion"

-"But weren't you too harsh master Brtus? We as the soldiers of the empire should be more kind to our subject don't you think he?Hihihihi"- said the red-head one ironically.

-"Cocky as always aren't you Argos? This the reason why you almost were killed back then. Sometimes I think saving you was a mistake."

-"Then you would not have an useful servant my lord."- Argos said kindly.

-"That is a fair point but this no time for us to talk."-said Brutus knocking the door.

The door were opened by a young peasant girl. Inside the chamber beside her there were two men they seems to be father and son. After a moment of silence Brutus started.

-"Good morning everyone, mind me for coming so early but my case is urgent. My name is Brutus of Marian family from Eternal Ctiy. I was told that this is the home of Lusin family."

-"Yes, my name is Luculus I'm head of the family and host of this place an this is my only son and heir Kresus. Please step in and take a sit you must be tired have some rest"-Then the old give some orders to the servant-girl in some weird language.

-"Thank you for your hospitality i'm honored."- Brutus entered the chamber and ordered his men to wait in front of the building.

-"So what is the reason that a member of so prominent family decided to stop at my home?"-asked Luculus

-"Oh you shouldn't be so humble yourself I heard that you came from a royal linage that rule this Kingdom from its beginning seven hundreds years ago! It is truly a nobel family!"

-"That is true however my family lost throne half a century before the kingdom was made part of Imperium so we are not so prestigious now. Beside that there are more descend of the royal blood around who you may meet and I myself am not so respect as before"

-"I heard about it people hate you because you are the one who deliver <>. But your worries will end up soon because I and my men will kill the beast."

-"Ekhe.. that is very noble of you but you do not need to risk live of your men for us."

-" Don't worry I'm here not only for you but also for personal gains. However I'm from nobel family in Eternal City this is not enough. To gain respect and get an public office you have to achieve something. So this is a win win situation I will get the fame your city will gain the safety. The only thing I need is your help. I don't want you to fight just to show us a safe pass through the mountains."

At this point the old man could sand no more the foolishness of the young knight.

-"I'm not gonna to help you! You will be crushed by the dragon you are no match for him. Better take your men and go away before HE will come for all of you!"

-"Do you think that I'm a fool? I know how dangerous this creature can be and I KNOW TAHT WE HAVE LITTLE IF ANY CHANCES TO WIN!"

-"THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO STUBBORN? Why don't you give up on this?"

-"Because we have no other choice but to try. My father is dying so my older brothers end me on suicidal mission in order to size my part of the heritage. I was given means to recruit and armored four hundred and fifty soldiers. Each one of them joined as volunteer they were either sensed to death or lived in poverty struggling to acquire food. Not many of them had military experience but it was their only chance. Another one hundred and fifty joined me in province of Hellas where my uncle is a proconsul. Those were soldiers living in the frontier once they were attacked by barbarians so after short skirmish they chase the enemies. But it was just a decoy when soldiers abandoned they outpost other grup of barbarians ravaged the nearby villages killing all of soldiers' kins. after this incident all of them were dismissed. Not having anything to lose nor to do they decided to join me. I was also able to save one sage who in gratitude swear me his loyalty. And now when you know our situation will you help us?"
