Preparation for the Hunt- part 3

-What!?- Brutus was shocked that the old men still had not agreed to help him- How can you be so shameless? You are a subject of the Imperium and you are obligated to...

-Stop it! You are a hundred years too young to give me any lessons! Maybe other are afraid of you, maybe you can kill anyone of us, but if you will anger the dragon, trying to kill him, he will take his revenge on us. And there will be no place where we could take shelter. We will be doomed! His clutches will savage our flesh, his fangs will mangle our bones and his debris will poison our fields and wells.-Luculus realized that he went too far but at this point there were no way back.

-You do know what this mean to you graybeard don't you? Imperium is not to be toyed with. Your fate...

-I will show you the path.-Kresus who all this time was listening to their talk said sharply.

-Kresus don't risk your life for my sake! What I will said to your mother if anything will happen to you?

-It is not about you father but about my honor. It is enough for us to live in the shame. Our ancestors back in the Age of Heros had loftier goals than just to live. Our morale responsibility is to carry their ideas! I'm going to help not only by showing them the pass but also taking part in fight with the Dragon.

-But Kresus- the old man came to a standtill when Brutus pointed his sword at Luculus' neck.

-Your son made a decision and he is not a child. You can't forbid him anything.-Then Brutus looked at Kresus and asked him- Sir Kresus, if I'm not mistaken, when will you be ready to go?

-I will take my spear and armor. It won't take long.- said Kresus at the same time avoiding eyes of his father

After few moments Kresus was ready and together with Brutus leave the house of Lusin Family. In the yard they rejoin with Argos and soldiers.

-So this is our guide isn't he? Hm I thought that he was some cranky graybeard and not fully armored warrior?- asked read-hair fellow smiling cheekily.

-His name is Kresus and from now on he is our comrade in arm.- on the face of Brutus as usually there was not a slightest sign of emotion.

-Then it is pleasure to meet you sir Kresus . My name is Argos I'm a sage and servant of master Brutus.- said bending down and giving a hand.

-A sage? Wow with your help we should kill the beast in no time!-said Kresus shaking hand of his new comrade.

-I hope so.-Argos raised his hand looking at a golden ring that a moment ago was on the Kresus' finger.

-Wait what!? How!? You call yourself a Sage? You are a common thief! Hand it over it is a heirloom.

-Hehehehe, I will give it back after the battle if you will be still alive of course.

-You little bastard...

-Take up this quarrel for later we had job to do- Brutus disciplined them- Oh and Kresus, Argos may seems to be a pesky little brat but he is invaluable on the battlefield.

Later that day Brutus was checking the stables with one of his officers a middle aged bald soldier who was assigned to be in command of the city garrison.

-(...)and so you will stay in the city with less experienced troops. I will take half of the cohort and try to ambushed the Dragon. Remember what I said earlier it is very important I wouldn't trust locals farther than I can throw.

-Understood sir! We will keep peace as until your return. The horses are ready to leave in any moment.

-Good we will get going in an hour. Kresus told me that if we leave by noon we should arrive before the sunset.

-Isn't it Brutus from the Iron Hill? Brutus "The tiny conqueror"?- Some stranger came out of the horsebox. He was a tall brunet with straight hair and grey eyes. He were an ordinary soldier's armor.

-Who are you? Who is your officer how dear you speak like that to high commander?-Commander of the garrison was furious.

-Hold it on-Brutus interrupted him- he is not one of us look at his emblem. This is coat of arms of Allemanian Legion. And it is even stranger I do know every nobleman at his age in the Eternal City and having THAT kind o knowledge he must be from The City.

-Oh you are mistaken sir I'm not a nobleman. I am just a humble merchant son of a tailor. However I understand your mistake after all it is not common for a commoner to know coine to such a degree. You see I was the only son of my father and he spend each denar on my education so I had classes in Imperial Library. I was among many nobel's children and was thought by various sages. It was there where I learn how to speak in coine and...

-I do not ask you about story of your live! Imperial library eh? that explain where you get to know THAT thing. However you should mind your tongue and know your place commoner!

-Oh should I? Then why don't you just kill me?... Oh maybe because you can't! I'm citizen of the Eternal City and not member of one of the conquered tribes. That means I'm protected by Imperial law and I'm well aware of my legal situation. Try to harm me and you will be beheaded!

-Are you gonna to blackmail me?

-You said so not me.

-Fine, what do you want?

-Money of course. I heard that you are going to kill the dragon and as I was said earlier the beast, aside of killing everything what is still alive, like to garner all kinds of wealth. So I will be silent and you take me with you for the hunt.- Garrison commander wanted to kill the merchant with his eyes but Brutus finally agree for such terms. He prefer to give up some of dragon's gold rather than lost face.

Two hours later three hundred soldiers were heading north on the horses that were confiscated from Zelas' citizens. At the head of them was Brutus and Kresus and a few meters away of them ride the merchant and Argos. The last of those started:

-So it was quite unexpected that you join us mister merchant. Especially when Brutus is the one who decided who could join the expedition, he usually doesn't make decision in such a rush as in your case. Revile me your secret how you manage to convinced him to let you join in?

-Oh there isn't any secret. Your... I mean our commander is just a generous man you should give him more credit.

-Oh that is actually very interesting. I've never seen our "glorious leader" doing anything what wasn't useful to him. So what is the true?

-I've said the true. You see I'm a merchant so negotiating and making deals is my daily bread. So I made an offer and sir Brutus accepted it and was very generous in his concessions. And usefulness? Well yeah it is certainly useful to him.

-Hehe you seems to be very interesting persona sir merchant.

-The pleasure is mine. By the way sir Argos...

-Oh pleas just Argos I'm not a soldier neither you are and all this formality is killing me.

-So Argos can you tell me why you and our guide are using bronze weapon? Steel or Iron is much more efficient.

-Hehe I see that you are quite curious person aren't you? That is true that steel is better in combat however bronze is more reactive to Power of The World. Effects of incantations hold on longer on bronze than on any other metal. This is also the reason why the previous age is called The Age of Heros. Back then bronze was the mani material used to make weapon and armors so they rely more on Power of The World than we do today.

And so the two of them were charting all the way until they reach the mountain path were they had to alight from the horses. Then Brutus rally the troops around himself and gave the orders.

-Now we will dived ourselves. Because the place in front of the cave is not space full I can take only fifty of you. The rest will stay here and settle a camp,that means also you mister merchant and don't try anything stupid, later you will help to take the loot. The sunset is within two hours and I say you that by midnight the beast will be dead!

-HOORRAY, HOORRRAYYY!- Soldiers shouted enthusiastically.

-Wish me luck mister merchant, maybe we will be back alive.

-I wish you will Argos.

-Oh right I forgot to ask about your name?

-They call me A Son of a Dream, Fantazy in short.