A dragon and a knight

Sun hung low over the horizon and red sky was an augury of a blood split. Kresus was guiding Brutus and Argos as well as fifty soldiers through the mountain pass. The path was narrow so they had to go one by one and be careful not to fall into the abyss.

-Be caution here we are almost there!- stated Brutus

After another couple of minutes of harsh march he said:

-Its here.

Brutus and Argos followed him. Around the corner they saw a sight as glamorous as scary. In the background they saw a long, straight and narrow gulf surrounded by mountains. Far away sun was half-way sinking in the sea. The waves were hitting the cliff they were standing on. It was impressive and calming however... twenty meters away from the arete the situation was much grimmer. In front of the dark cave lied hundreds of crushed humans bones. It looked as if someone covered the ground with crumbled porcelain.

-Twenty meter deep and fifteen meters wide... I hoped that there is more space.-Brutus was disappointed.

-Soldiers-Brutus command to his subordinate- form the crescent formation and prepare to strike on my order! Kresus you will stay by my side in front of the formation. Argos be ready to recall the dragon from the cave!

Soldiers formed a semicircle standing near the edge of the cliff. Argos stood in front of the cave and Kresus together with Brutus halfway between Argos and soldiers.

-Prepare your weapon!- Soldiers covered their shields and javelins(each solider had three javelins) with some kind of oil. When they did so those started to shine a reddish glow.

-Argos start the incantation!

-As you wish my master.- then he standing straight positioned his feet and rise his hand to the sky- I Hiakintos born out of Earth and reborn out of Water as Argos bid Thy oh Spirit of Fire oh Spirit of Wind!

The air on the cliff became denser and a spiral of cloud started to form above it.

-Thy who hold the power of Word earth is your realm!

The ground under his feet started to shake.

-Thy who hold the power of Word water serves You!

The air suddenly became drier and drops of water appeared around the enchanter.

-Thy who hold the power of Word fire is Your tool!

His hand started to glow as if they were on fire.

-Thy who hold the power of Word let the wind unleash Your wrath!

And as he spoke it he whisk his hand so they pointed the cave and a spinning stream of wind entered the grot. Then he clench his glowing fists and pulled. A bulk of the awaken dragon moved over their heads.

-Lets the wind bide!- and invisible strings of air chained the beast tightly.

-SOLDIERS STRIKE!-and as Brutus ordered fifty shining javelins penetrated body of the beast.

"GWAAARRRRRHHHH!" the dragon roared and streams of black blood erupted from his body.

"AAGHH" a few soldiers yelled, they were covered with beast's blood. It was like an acid. Their eyes were blinded and their faces were burning.

-Quickly I can't hold him any longer!-shouted Argos.

-You hear him! Prepare to Strike!-Brutus was trying to overcome the chaos.-READY... STRIKE!

And forty javelins were thrown. But before they hit the aim the dragon had unleashed himself and flown higher.

Argos fainted, the preternatural phenomena stopped. Now the glowing javelins were hitting the ground. Brutus and Kresus were able to avoid them and soldiers used their shields to defend themselves but those who were already suffering from dragon's blood were not so lucky. The chaos only intensify.

Now the dragon was high above of their range and their sage was unconscious. Brutus however didn't lose his poise.

-Soldiers! Reform into shield wall!

And they did it! he was able to overcome the chaos. But then the dragon strike from the sky right in the center of the formation breaking it.



The beast whipped people into the sea abyss with his tail.



A stream of roaring fire came out of its jaw cracking the shields and melting the armors.

When the dragon was taking care of the soldiers Kresus grabbed his spear tightly and enchanted some spell. When the spear started to glow in honey color he charged.

"GWARRR!"- Dragon roared when he was stabbed in the chest right between the ribs. And then...

The dragon nailed the warrior as a cat is nailing a mouse. The beast opened his jaw and started to chew the young man alive.

-Fu*k! Soldiers prepare to the last attack! Take the javelins!- Brutus gathered those men who were still able to fight and javelins that were still glowing.

Dragon ,that at this point looks more like a hedgehog than a reptile, was to engaged in consuming Kresus to realize what was incoming.

Brutus lead the formation three men on each wing and he in the center slightly ahead of them

-On my sign... and... RUN!

He run and





And Brutus' javelin were stick into dragon's eye. Then the soldiers stabbed the beast right into its stomach. It almost looked that they win... but not, the beast once again used his tail as a whip precipitating four soldiers into the see. And using his fire breath burned the other two. Brutus at this time grabbed his sword. He jumped using Kresus' spear as a footlights aiming at beast throat to deal the last lethal stroke.

At that time in the camp soldiers started to celebrate. Hearing the roars of the injured beast they were sure that victory is near.

-Bring wine I want a lot of it!-said someone

-You are already drunk what will you tell to commander when he will come back?

-That I drink for his glorious victory!

-You should be more serious.

-Stop whining and pour the wine!

Other were gambling

-Hey you have fake dice! It is third time in a row when you gat two and six!

-That is just a luck you are almost lot your loot from the dragon's cave but I give you another chance!

-I will turn your face into another chance!-and he attacked the first player.

-You shouldn't play sucha a stupid games-a third soldier much bulkier than these two separated them.

-What you mean by stupid? We are playing on our tomorrow's loot. Our commander is just so he will divide everything equally.

-Our leader above all value usefulness and the best way to show your usefulness is to show your strength! So you will only can have so many treasures as you can poise. You two looks like you can barely hold shield and sword I on the other hand HAHAHAH-he burst out laughing.

Meanwhile Fantazy tried to sneak out of the camp. He was curios about what was happening in the mountain.

-Hey you!-some soldiers noticed that he was violating Brutus' order- The commander said you should stay in the camp!

-Oh really? I must have misheard him. Are you sure he said so?- He was creeping away from them.

-Yeah he said so and we are here to obey his orders.

-Well then I wish you luck!-said Fantazy and run away to the mountains.

-Hey you two help me catch him!-and three of them started chasing our hero

After about half an hour of running between the rocks and bushes uphill in the darkness Fantazy stopped to rest for a moment. He sit on a rock and listen to the silence.He was focused and looked at the fables beneath his feet and then...

-Ha we've finally got you!-said a soldier from earlier.

-Wait a moment.

-What now?

-Don't you hear?

-No I don't hear anything.

-Exactly! Don't you think that during a fight with a dragon there should be more noises?

-Commander and the rest probably have already kill that vermin.

-Are you sure?

The soldier scowled and said

-I know that you are smarter than me merchant so I'm not gonna to let you use your mind games to trick me. Clog his mouth!

And as other soldier approach to the merchant to do so something bedim the moonlight.


The ground trembled and a big dark shape appeared on the path to the camp. Sound of dripping was audible and fragrance of blood was smellable. But the worst was a single red eye that was glaring at them. Some dark aura of terror came from this creature they couldn't move an inch.