The lost hopes

The clouds uncovered sky and a ray of moonlight reviled the true identity of the shade. The dragon was sitting there and glaring at soldiers with his one red eye. He was badly injured and was bleeding but his aura was overwhelming, the power that no human being would be ever able to posses.


The dragon said and they bodies unwillingly followed the order.

-We are doomed...-said one soldiers weeping and laughing.

-What is wrong Aron?

-This power must have made him go insane! It is your fault you stupid merchant you...

"SILENCE" dragon's voice was plangent" You mere creatures dear to challenge me Glorious Voland! You will pay double for this insult. As I destroyed those who attack me so I will blast those in your camp!" He crept up towards them. "But you... you shall live as my envoys... and say to the people of the cities and villages what will happen to them..." Then he outstretched his wings flapped twice and flew to the camp.

"GWAHHH EEEEGG BLEEGHH" *drop *drop* *drop*-Fantazy was vomiting he has never seen something with such an aura."BLAAAGGGHHH GWKKGGGHH"




-Hahahahahaha aa..a AAA..EEE-someone was laughing and crying at the same time.

-What the hell?- Fantazy raised his head in confusion and looked around. The soldiers that had been chasing him before behaved weird now.

-...doomed, we are doomed... DOOOOOOOMMMMED!-one of them was whispering and shouting.

The third one just wobbled and didn't say anything.

"Does the dragons power went them insane? But if so why it didn't affect me?" Fantazy was wondering."Fu*k, I don't have time for thinking now."

-I guessed that you are not gonna to be any help for me now?-they didn't answered- I thought so.

And then he continued his walk uphill.

After half an hour he entered the battlefield. The sight was horrible. Some javelins were still glowing so he could see what have happened. It seems thet everyone was dead. Some people were burned alive and their charred bodies were mixed with melted metal. Others were crunched, crushed and partially eaten. Fantazy step in the field in front of the cave.

-So it is our guide eh?-he said standing over the pair of legs.




Someone was still alive Fantazy run up to him.

-Commander? are you still alive?

-Not for long-Brutus' chest was ripped.-Please... there is a ledge on the way here... can you bring my body there? I don't want to be swallowed by that beast...

-I guess I can do at least this for you.- and he bring Brutus and placed him where the last one wanted.

-Thanks... It was not a bad idea to take you with us after all... please take this-and he hand a golden ring over to Fantazy- I promised you a revenue for participation... I am a man of Honor...-After this words he died.

Fantazy took the ring and return to the battlefield for a moment. The places where dragons blood dropped were contaminated. Fantazy looked around once more...




He looked down and kicked the body that lied beneath him.

-Auch! What are you doing?!

-Argos you son of a b*tch you are still alive!

-How do you find out about my mother? Was it Brutus? And what do you mean That I'm still...- and then he saw the tings around him- What have happened?

-That is what I want to ask you. You were suppose to kill the dragon. However he is not only still breathing but also he made me his envoy.(and by the way what you mean about your mother?)

-I don't remember... I dragged him out of the cave and bound him, then everyone attacked. The next thing I remember is you kicking me.

-Probably if you didn't faint back then you would be already dead. You are lucky one.

-I don't think so. Using so much power exhausted me. I can't even stand on my feet.

-Ehh... you are such a wimp, come on-said Fantazy squatting down and offering him a hand

-What are you doing?

-I will piggyback you.

-Wait what!? stop!- But Fantazy despite of all his protests took Argos pick-aback.

Twenty minutes later they were going down heading toward the camp.

-This is childish-said Argos blushing

-Would you rather walk on your own?

-Yes I would... but I can't.

-Then stop whining.

They were going through the darkness the moon was covered with clouds. In the distance they saw a glow of the fire.

-Dose anyone other survive?-asked Argos cuddling his neck to Fantazy's nape.

-I doubt.

After two hours they entered the camp or rather the remains of it. Everything was either burned to the ground or savaged. The dragon vanished somewhere and there was no sign of living creature. The only audible sounds were cracks of the fire.

-There are no horses... not even one-Fantazy was exhausted- We must go on foot then.

-Wait a moment


-Leave me here. You are already tired you should go to the city alone I'm just a redundant ballast for you now.

-Do you want to die!? Look around there is plenty of dead bodies He will surely be back here, you may not have so much luck next time. However he treat me as some kind of subordinate it seems if you will be with me there is a slight chance that we will not kill you even if he find us.


-Shut up or I will carry you upside down!

The way to the city took them remaining half of the night and all day. They didn't really talk at this time neither of them had energy to do so. And there was not really anything to talk about. They were not in a mood to joke and this what they had just experienced was too fresh and too dreadful to discuss. They entered the city walls by sunset and just after this Fantazy fainted out of exhaustion.

There was dark... a tunel or maybe a corridor? Fantazy wasn't sure. He looked around to find out where he was. He saw a man standing in front of him at the end of the tunel. The face of the man was covered in shade because of the strong source of light behind him. Although Fantazy was not able to see who was standing there the figure seams to be familiar to him. that you? ...Father!

He started to ran toward person covered by darkness but the longer he run the farther the man in shade was.



The figure of the man become to be smaller and smaller, darker and darker until it vanished complicity in the light. Fantazy was still running until he realized that there was no ground under his feet. He raised his hand desperately trying to catch something but there was nothing to catch. He started to falling down into the abyss. As he was failing his clothes were taken away by the wind. Then his body started to shrinking. He was terrified when suddenly he landed on the pillow of wind that placed him gently on the ground.

-Are you ready little fellow?-asked a Blond man with complexion black like coal

-Who do you call little?

-Did you see yourself?

Fantazy then realized that he was naked and had body of six years old boy.

-Are you ready?-the black one asked once more

-Ready for what?-something was strange about man that blond man.

-To defeat him?

-Defeat who?-"Did normal people are ten meter high?" but there was something more about him.


The gigant turned into a mist. Then the mist formed two other figures. A girl with pale complexion long dark hair and blue eyes. She was of average height and was very beautiful. Her hands were chained and the one who hold the chain was a man. He had purple skin, legs of a lion and buffalo's horns. His hairs were curly and white but he looked young. He had goat's eyes and wolf's like nails.

-You want to kill me?-the demon spoke- You are not even able to kill this weakling!

Both figures changed into mist again. This time the mist took form of the dragon Voland:


-YOU WILL NO LONGER BE NEEDED THEN!-and he swallowed Fantazy in one piece.

Our hero traveled through the dragon's gullet like through the water slide with this difference that instead of water there was yellow, sticky saliva. But something was wrong... this tunel of flesh was much longer than beast's neck. Before Fantazy realized that he had already left it. He was not in the stomach as he had expected he would be but in air. He turned his head but there was noting behind him, there was nothing anywhere near him.



Now he was in the middle of the storm and saw a city seven thousand meters below. The blows of the wind were so strong that he felt as if he were a leaf, he had no control over his movement. The rain was so torrential that he could barely catch a breath. "FLAP" something said in his head and he did as the voice said.



Now he was a little sparrow trying to fight with the storm but he was too weak. Wind was toying with him while he desperately tried to stay alive.


He felt like tremendous amount of electricity flew through his wee body and then he... awoke