Chapter Sixty Seven - Our journey resumes with an ambush

After resting in the cave for the remainder of the day and the night that followed, Pike was more than ready to urge his team along. Their's had definitely been a journey of mixed fortune thus far, with many trials and tribulations and with only a few random treasures found infrequently and not all worth points towards the challenge set by the Institute. Almost half-way through the challenge, he was not the only member of the team dissatisfied and they were not ready to end on such a result that while not bad, was not outstanding either.

With that in mind, the whole team began to traverse the rocky slopes framing the waterfall.

The rain had finally ended the previous evening, though the clouds remained a thick blanket within the sky. The wild foliage sticking out between rock and boulder had the fresh scent of dew and the earthy ground had a damp smell that was not unpleasant to the nose. The two martial artists and one beast tamer naturally had no difficulties climbing the steep mountain face, the mage lightly followed in their tracks, whether it be using a narrow protrusion as a step upwards or along a hidden path, as if his body was not a mass of hindering flesh but an illusion that gravity could not grasp. Leon and Roman did struggle somewhat, but whenever it became difficult, there was a hand reaching out to them, to lift them, to provide a boost of strength and reassurance.

Finally, the six/seven members of the team reached the heights of the rocky hill, tens of metres above their original position. Just as Velana had described, the waters that fed the rumbling waterfall formed a large lake of quietly moving water, much unlike the rapid rivers below. This side of the lake was quite exposed with few trees, while the other was lined with thick growth in which many eyes glinted in thin rays of sunlight and many more remained hidden. The team took shelter beneath a nearby tree with reasonably thick branches, not wanting the attention from any flocks of flying beasts that were likely to pass overhead.

The tri-coloured fox crouched in amongst the scrub grass that grew thickly in between the trees, its nose wrinkling as it sniffed at their surroundings before creeping forward. Although it and its master had not faced any trouble during the drizzly day prior, did not mean that they would not now it was drier, so it's role was to scout ahead for the team. Bending their bodies, the team followed in its wake when it was deemed safe to do so, their target another tree, this one some three times bigger than the first, with large roots which had grown upwards and outwards, exposed to the air before burying back beneath the ground. Their distance from the lake side increased.

Just as they reached the better shelter of this tree, the lake waters stirred and instinctively, Pike had his team crouch down and quieten. From the lake, six creatures emerged. At first glance, they appeared to be fish; their mouths were wide with thin lips that opened and closed as if gasping and were decorated by thin whiskers. Their spinal fins were flattened upon their scaly, muddy brown backs and their side fins pushed at the wet soil beneath them to aid their escape from the lake's edge. As more of their bodies emerged from the lake, they began to shake off excess water and as they did so, their scales seemed to transform, becoming more like feathers on a birds back.

Pike gripped his axe, his eyes reddening with the flames of bloodlust and he glanced either side of him where Troy and Velana caught the gesture and nodded in response. He then signalled to Caelus, who began to chant beneath his breath.

As the first thick shards of ice shot like arrows towards the transforming fish, Pike, Troy, Velana and the tri-coloured fox rushed out, weapons and claws drawn. The creatures squawked in surprise, sounding similar to crows and causing Leon to freeze, startled. The creature out in front, shook its fins, which began to lengthen in shape, while the two nearest the water attempted to retreat into it.

"I've never seen a Peng-Kun before," Roman mumbled as the pair watched their teammates engage the beasts. Leon glanced over at the taller man, wanting him to go into more detail. The scholar did not disappoint. "They are a type of fish that can transform into a beakless bird. They nest and lay their eggs in lakes such as this one, but hunt as birds during the day. They have sharp teeth hiding in their wide mouths and are carnivorous, they hunt in a flock and are not afraid to eat large prey while it is alive and moving as their bodies are quite slick and tough beneath the feathers, similar to their fish skin and also they heal quickly when immersed in water. When they are in the middle of transforming, that is when they are at their weakest."

That was why Pike chose this time to attack the beasts. Leon nodded in understanding as he continued to watch the battle. One of the flock had escaped into the water, another was flapping weakly to one side as the ice had penetrated its fin. The leader had managed to mostly change and was flapping its wings as it held itself aloft and used one transformed clawed leg to defend against Pike's attacks. However, it only had this leg, the other was still shaped as a fin upon its belly.

Velana and Volune fought together with movement that was so united and fluid that it was clear that they had trained for a long time together. Their target had also half-transformed, it's tail fin becoming a plumage of brown feathers and its clawed feet supporting its body as its webbed fins flapped uselessly at its side. It had no hope of hurting its opponents, but as it agile leapt about, it prolonged its life for a short while until an opening was finally found.

Of the other two, one was quickly defeated by Troy, its state too vulnerable to defend itself and the last had become a block of ice half-submerged in the lake as it had failed to escape. In the end, the battle was very one sided, though according to Roman, this would not have been the case had the Peng-Kun completed their transformation.

The Peng-Kun counted as a good opponent as far as points would be concerned; the team had proven that they understood its weakness and could use this against it. In addition, the Peng-Kun's fins were as prized as shark fins in cuisine, while its sharp, pointed teeth were valued amongst some weapon smiths. The teeth of this creature were almost as hard as diamonds and would not decay for a hundred thousand years. Ordinary fire could not burn them and they retained the Peng-Kun's regenerative qualities when washed with water.

With renewed spirit, the team pulled the five bodies from the lake, allowing the feathers and scaly hides to dry a bit before tossing them into the interdimensional bag. During this time, they kept an eye on the lake, but the sixth Peng-Kun wisely remained hidden in the depths of the water. Pike and his team would long move on before it left the safety of its hiding place.