Chapter Sixty Eight - We move onward and upward

The large floating isle which was many hundreds of li long had two dominant features outside the rambling forest of thick and tall trees. One was the long, winding waterways consisting of a mix of lakes and wide rivers that curled shallowly around half the perimeter of the isle's other main landmark; a dormant volcano.  Although it was listed as dormant, did not mean that it would remain silent forever, but for now it was still. Despite being the infrequent object of plunder for many years, the volcano was still attractive a target, not just for treasures within its thick walls but it happened also to decorated by a series of hot springs fed by springs heated in the circling lava within the heart of floating isle, still molten in temperature.  The fact that this lava didn't harden and cool due to its the unique environment could be considered another matter increasing the mysteriousness of the whole realm.

One team, worn and battered from many battles, but somewhat successful in their journey so far, found a smattering of hotspring pools large enough to bathe in and decided to strip from their garments and enjoy the pleasure of the waters for a short while.  These pools were nearly two thirds up the mountain's side where greenery was much more suppressed by the dark grey of volcanic rock and a decent height above the tree line providing breathless views.  The second sun was in the distant west, while the first was a shichen or so in its wake and the azure colours of the sky were rippling with other shades.  They both would soon set beyond the horizon bringing with this a shadowy twilight and later would sink into the strange void far beneath the lowest of the floating islands existing in this landscape, swallowed up by the unexplainable darkness before being spat out in another place.  The suns did not always set in the west, nor did they always rise in the east.

Despite true night being some way off, the six bathing men found the landscape plunged into darkness and couldn't help but shudder as if this was an ill omen.  But this was a momentary illusion in their hearts, they were quick to turn their attention towards where the twin suns had vanished only to witness the shape of an earth fragment rising in the west.  They watched with indrawn breath as they realised that this was a floating isle and from its trajectory, it had risen above the orbit of their own island and would soon follow and arching path above them.  Or rather, above the lake in the north.  With deep sighs, they couldn't help but lament; the treasures found on the larger isles had been the target of farming and harvesting by fellow students during the challenges in frequent years, naturally it became harder to discover certain things.  But many islands which crossed the paths of the largest ones were not so drained of unnatural resource, thus the goal of every team was to find a way to travel to other islands in the two week period and claim what might be in hiding there.

This island would float close, just not close enough and they were some distance up the mountain and undressed.  The speed in which the other island appeared to be travelling was also fairly fast, they doubted the wisdom of rushing to meet its probable path now.  They could only bitterly watch it pass.  They were not alone in their self-pity; as a certain team leader had predicted, the volcano had been too popular for most teams to ignore.

"I c-c-c-c-c...can't d-d-do this!" Leon clung to the rope with all his might, squeezing his eyes tightly shut. 

"Sure you can," Caelus tugged his own large frame up with disgusting ease.

"I'm with Leon on this one," Roman mumbled, but didn't not reach for the hand of the youth dangling above him, laughing due to the exhilaration of their daring. 

Pike pulled himself onto the overhanging thick tree that grew mishappen out of the side of the sheer rock face, testing his balance prior to reaching for the rope curled about it.  His muscles swelled as he pulled the dangling alchemist upwards.  "What are you worried about?" He grinned as he brought the shivering youth into his arms.  "Do you doubt your own feather floating pills?"

"N-n-not th-that," Leon gripped the other's leather armour tightly, his eyes fixed upon the buckles. "I th-think I'm af-fraid of h-h-heights."  He did not gaze down to test it.

Out upon the limb and protruding rock face, the wind seemed loud, rushing through their hair and ears.  They'd had convinced themselves that they could easily make their way from one isle to the other once they'd witnessed it approaching.  Pike and Velana also had experience and hurried them quickly to the tallest tree nearby, climbing into its heights before swinging grappling hooks upwards and towards the isle passing overhead.  The hooks were enchanted to fly upwards until they reached a target and to cling to it, so long as it was secure enough. The ropes then curled around the seven bodies and would tighten to prevent falls. Accidents whilst using these enchanted tools were truly minimal, but just to be on the safe side, they'd also consumed Leon's pills.

As there had only been three Feather Floating pills, Leon and Roman took two, while the third was offered to Caelus, who turned down the offer. The secret within his body meant that he had no issues nor confidence when it came to travelling upwards and away from the ground that would most definitely break their falls. So it was given to the tri-coloured fox, which ordinarily would only rely on its owner for support. This meant Velana also felt more at ease. The others took the Feather Falling pills more to reassure Leon than anything.

With the Floating Pills magic, Leon and Roman's body lightened considerably, it was just their discomfort of other matters that became a block to them successfully climbing the ropes. Both of them happened to catch the scenery now an extremely great distance below.

Pike unfurled the rope around his and Leon's bodies to provide them enough length for a second throw. Velana, Volune and Caelus did the same where they were standing on a sizeable protrusion in the rock. Troy and Roman were some distance above their heads, the former having lucked out to grab something else higher up. It didn't take long for the others to finally join them.

Leon collapsed beside Roman, his heart still racing in his chest at a tremendous speed and his limbs still soft from the fright. Roman was hugging his knees as he calmed himself. Caelus gave them a look of scorn, but at least kept his opinion to himself as he placed his hands behind his back and looked about. The others just grinned, high from the thrill of the dangerous climb. Pike laughed, the trembling base of his voice echoing in the air.

The wind was calmer now that they were on the island's main surface and it no longer felt as if their bodies were aboard an open top sailing ship, subject to the rapidly moving vehicle. The adaption between islands was unnaturally fast, but no one dwelled upon this.

When Leon felt that he could finally open his eyes, he did so to drink in their new surroundings. They appeared to be in amongst some sort of ruins. His curiosity was naturally piqued and he rose from the sweet scented grass in which he lie to gaze that way and this. The ruins were not like those he'd seen in his past life, roman bathhouses nor medieval castles. The broken walls were made of some sort of glistening rock which was smooth to the touch and only cracked due to time and the disaster that had originally befallen it. Otherwise it was safe to say that the wall had once been made on one whole solid piece. There were thin columns of the same material stretching upwards, but they no longer reached any decent height. The floor beneath was a mix of coloured tiles, some covered by grass and foliage, others seeming to suppress the greenery around them. Vines did not trail over the walls and columns, but did drape from tree branches above their heads, hinting that the stone somehow repelled them as well as moss, which was abundant on those same trees' trunks.

"Oh, songmist m-moss," Leon said aloud and lifted himself to his feet to harvest.

Roman was by now touching the stone walls with his long, slender fingers in awe and quickly moved to find a smaller piece amongst the tiles, wanting to pry it up for his collection.

Seeing their team support already hard at work, Pike grinned and raised a finger to point towards the untouched jungle before them. "Let's see if we can't hunt something for tonight's dinner."