Day 9

Today, she woke up peacefully. Looking up at the sky seeing the sunshine through the small number of clouds that were in the sky. She sighed as she got up comma looking straight ahead to see more land on top of the land, then seeing the ocean.

After about 5 minutes later she finally stood up, she wobbled a little bit, like a toddler, because she was still just waking up. In the end, she stood up without wobbling. She then processed to turn her neck around backwards, cracking it. It didn't hurt at all, she was used to it, she had been doing it for several years in a row now. After cracking her neck, she looked around to try to find, a stone, or at least something to write on, but after a 30 minute search, she couldn't find anything.

When she got back to where she slept for the past couple of nights she, sat down and looked up to the sky, and sighed. She was tired from walking so much, and all she wanted to do it sleep. So that's what she did.

**Dream 7**

She woke up on the first island again, and she looked around shocked, and a thought went through her head: 'How the fuck did i get back to this island again!?'. She pondered this for about 5 minutes (In the real world it was about 5 seconds). Then she walked around the island and, saw herself from a third person view, writing the first letter she had wrote on the first island.

She looked over her shoulder, to see the pen, paper, and the rotting corpse, "I guess I have nothing else to do...."

To whoever reads this I hope you have saved me already and I am off this island...

If you never find this I'm guessing you're never going to find me...

I'm writing this so if I go insane I will have evidence to show you I was not insane before.

So dear person that reads this I'm sorry if you see my dead body next to this piece of paper, just like I did...

I hope that I can survive here on this island, I haven't found anyone here, and I doubt that I will ever will unless someone saves me I will never see another human being again...

I'm starting to run out of space to write, so I'm sorry dear reader, until next time dear person...


She looked up from the paper and it was almost sunset, "Wow, time sure did go quickly when you are writing.", she said, as the sun was about to set.

"Maybe I should write more often." She whispered to herself, her voice starting to go. She laid on her back as she looked up at the sky, the stars starting to appear above her.

"Wow...", she said. In her eyes it was breathtaking, she was fascinated by it.

After a couple of minutes of staring at the night star, she sat up, a little dizzy.

"I should really keep doing that," she said, "That was really relaxing". As she stood up, she couldn't take her eyes off of the sky.

She was starting to get tired, so she walked around the island, trying to see if she could find something to sleep on.

"Fuck there's nothing here!" She cursed to herself, slightly angry.

"I guess I'm going to have to make my own bed tonight..." She starts walking around the tiny island again, trying to find absolutely anything to make a bed with. "Well. I'm going to be sleeping on the floor tonight...", she says with a great amount of disappointment in her voice.

She slowly walks over to the opposite side of the island, the only place she could find shade, so she walked over to the tree on the hot summer night.

"Goodnight world..." She says as she lays down on the ground, but she couldn't fall asleep. For hours she tossed and turned, trying to find a comfortable position.

"Why the fuck can I not sleep!?" She yelled to herself, she was tired but she couldn't go to sleep, so she got up and, looked around the surrounding area.

"I'm already starting to go crazy..." she said to herself, "I guess that paper will be the only evidence that will prove I was not crazy when I came here..." She sits up, and she looked around again.

"Hello!" she yelled into the open, it echoed several times, about 10 times. "Hahahaha!" She laughed, then, she suddenly felt a large wave of tiredness.

"I guess I will go to sleep now.", she said and she laid back down on her side, "OW!" She screamed out in pain, her wound opened and it was starting to bleed.

"I didn't know that I have a wound!" She exclaimed in pain. "I'll deal with it tomorrow." She said brushing it off, then she went to sleep within seconds.

Then every thing went black, but soon after she saw herself in a mirror. She had never been here on neither of the island before and, most of her memory had been erased from her mind, as if going through to the alternate universe/dimension. Then, she saw a memory from before she entered the alternate dimension.

"I think- i know you will look amazing in this!" My BFF, who is also my bridesmaid, said as she handed me a weeding dress. "Only if you say so..." I responded nervously to her, but went to try it on, but just as i was about to go in the changing room, she called out to me saying: "I'm going to try on a dress for the bridesmaids!". Then i scream out: Okay Jen!", and she whole store looked at me. Then once again it went pitch black.

She woke up on the first island again seeing herself trying to find a rock to write on,

She walked around the island trying to think of something to do, but she couldn't do anything, but to look for stones to write on. She knew it wasn't the best idea, it was better than slowly going insane, she knew is the best thing to do. She slowly walked across the island in every single direction, to find a big enough stone to write on.

"I found something!" she screamed out, into the open.

Now that she was on this island, she was excited about every little bit of everything she could get. She didn't know how to react, so she acted like a child, she was so excited.

She immediately sat down to write on this stone that was about a metre wide and a metre tall. She look for something to engrave the stone with, so she looked around the island for about half an hour until she found a really sharp stick. She slowly walked back over to the rock and started to engrave it.

Hello again, I know it's been 2 days since I last for anything. But I will try to write more often and I'll try to write more stuff so you know I'm not dead and you know how long but I've been alive for. I know you may not believe me but I'm starting to believe I have powers. I heard his voice last night, it was in a dream. I didn't see him, but he talked to me. He told me that I had powers and that I should be strong, that I shouldn't give up on this island. Now I think more about it I'm thinking that I should believe him, and all I know is that I have some sort of mysterious power, I'm not sure how or why I have it, but I must have for reason.

By now you must think I'm insane, and I'm pretty sure I am, but I'm not completely sure. I think I might actually have powers, once again I don't know what this mysterious power is, but it must be pretty powerful for that voice reached out to me.

The voice said I was the first human to have powers and I don't believe that though, I believe everyone has a power in them whatever it is. I'm sorry but I'm running out of space to write so until next time fellow human,


She looked up to see that once again it was almost sunset, she stood up and placed the stone in the sand and she moved all the sand away from the stone, then she placed it on the shore.

She jumped on it to make sure it would stay in the ground.

"I really do like writing," she said to herself, as she stood off the stone that she just jumped on.

This time it just faded to black instead of her vision just turning black, then her vision turned from a black to a grey, then from grey to white, and all of a sudden her vision went from white ton a sudden burst of colour.

She opens her eyes, looking around to see the beautiful daylight that she had never appreciated before. She sat up, seeing butterflies about her. She said up confused, she knew she has never been on this island. Maybe is a future Island? She had never really thought about the upcoming Islands, but now is the time to. She was most likely going to complete this island very soon, but she had been on the other Island for about a week. At this point, anything could be a message for the future. She experienced so many stuff in her dreams, but she couldn't even fathom what could happen next. None the less, she heard the voice, along with another voice, it sounded like her mother's, but she didn't really know. she can't remember the sound of her mother, it was really sad to think about it, but all she knew about her mother was that she was a bad woman, and she got herself in jail since i was only 2.

'Hello my daughter.' I heard my mother say, but at this point I still wasn't sure she was my mother or not. I just couldn't remember. 'Honey... please don't forget me... I'm going to leave now... goodbye sweetheart...' a to slip down my eye, I felt for her, but I didn't really care about her that much. I know she was my mother and all, but as I said before she's been in prison since I was to come up for murder! But none the less, she was my mother, I still love her deep inside, and I know that she will be at my mother to the end of days, so I had to show her respect now, otherwise I will never have it again. I'll never have the chance to prove myself again.

'Hello.' The Voice said to me, she font herself into a spirit, it was only the second time that I ever saw her in her spirit form, so it was still a little bit of a shock to me, 'Remember her?' The voice questioned, and then i spoke up, "Yeah... she's my ma..." 'Remember young one, you will return to your home planet when you complete your tests... but for now, i must go, goodbye.' The voice said as her soul leaves. Then the island i was on was starting to turn white and then the sky...

**End Of Dream 7**

She woke up, close to midnight, and she sat up, then stood up. She looked around to see a little cat next to her, rubbing her head next to her leg. "Awwwwwww! Hi kitty!" She said, the cat looked no younger then a year old. She starts to feel light headed, but she ignored it, but soon after she passed out, and collapsed to the ground.