Dream 7.5

She woke up to the black void again, she was starting get used to this place, she has been here so many times. She closed her eyes ready to hear the voice again, 'Hello, young one,' the voice said, but this time it was louder then normal, she opened her eyes and looked up to see the voice's body, she sat there with her jaw on her ground, not really, but her mouth was wide open like she was at the dentist. 'This is my really body, i have the energy needed to finally show you my body before i died. So tomorrow i will show you my body in real life.' "Really!?" She shouted out in excitement, 'Yes young one.' The voice responded, she couldn't believe that this was happening, she was so happy. Then she felt something slice her arm, it was the tenth cut on her left arm, she started to frick out. 'Young one... i will see you in the daytime, goodbye.'