Day 10

She opened her eyes and looked around. She was not in the same area as she was in the last section of her dream, nor the little nap she had in the day prior. She stood up and looked to her left, nothing there, then she looked to her right. She saw the spirit- their body. She was just mesmerised by her, she couldn't believe that she was seeing her in real life. She was-is so beautifully! "Are you okay?" The Voice- the person said, she was really concerned about me. Was the first time I've ever seen a person in real life be concerned about me in this alternate dimension so far. Yet again, this was the first person I've seen, in this alternate dimension, I wasn't sure of though if they were even a person. If they are even a human being but, she was still glad to see another life form other than an animal here. The two women talked for about half an hour, to get to know each other. They talked about anything from politics to the historical backgrounds. She also asked the voice, 'What to do with her powers when she got back to Earth.' Then a corpse came onto the beach, neither the girls noticed at first, but when the girls decided to continue talking on the beach, but she could tell there was something wrong with the voice, but she just ignored it. They were talking for about 5 minutes to get to the shore because they were walking quite slowly.

When they go to the beach, they sat right next to the water, the voice then saw something moving behind her, and she jumped up, the corpse's body looking at her rotten and, bloody skeleton. She ran over to it with a mighty sprint, she wanted to see her real self again, because she hadn't seen her body in over a thousand years, and the voice's soul couldn't hear the other lady scream out. It was about 5 minutes the voice travelled for, she other middle-aged girl was yelling for her to get back, the whole time. By the time they got to the voice's body, the middle-aged girl had made out of breath, as well as the voice, the middle-aged girl finally caught up to the voice. "Please don't do that again." The middle-aged girl pleaded, but The Voice's soul was too intrigued by her own corpse.

After about 5 minutes of an awkward silence, the Voices song fell to her knees, she started crying tears of joy. Even though it was bloody and the bones we're nearly disintegrated but, still, she was so happy that it has come.

The middle-aged girl then proceeded to tap her on her shoulder. The voice's soul looked back with a questioning look on her face, "What do you want!?" She said, and the middle-aged girl then stepped back in slight fear. The voice's soul then shrivelled up into a little ball and she's starting rocking on the ground and, repeatedly said I'm sorry over and over again. The middle-aged woman, look at The Voices soul and, gave her a forgiving smile. "Don't worry about it." She said, her smile becoming the at most genuine. The voice's soul got up, and wiped the few tears from her eyes, "I'm really sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Kate. What is your name?" She looks shocked, she didn't know what to say, she didn't even know her own name. By the time all of her thoughts had settled Kate was still looking at her to get an answer. "Ummm," She said, she couldn't say her name, because she didn't know it, and she also wanted it to stay a secret. "I can't remember, the travelling through the different dimensions, it must have made me forget my name." She looked down embarrassed, then saying a simple, 'I'm sorry'. Kate lays a hand on her shoulder then saying, "Do you want to write another letter?" Kate looks at her with a smile full of hope. "Okay," She said, lifting her head up, her face full of tears. "Thank you," She whispered out to the voice's soul. Then both women walked around the island to find something to write on.

The two girls walked around the island for hours just chatting, but then Kate said something, "Should start looking for a stone to write on?" "Yeah," She said looking up from the ground, her eyes still red, her nose losing snot, and tear stains were on her face. "Are you okay?" Kate asked anyone could tell that something was wrong, well almost everyone, but her and the rest of her dimension could read minds. "Yeah!" She pulls a fake smile, but inside she was crumbling. Then Kate runs up to her, and she hugs her, she collapsed to the ground, her eyes having water spill out of them, in that one moment she felt comforted, she felt complete. The two girls hugged for a good 15 minutes, and then she separated it. With tears still rolling down her face, she turned away, then she stood up. "Come on, let's find that rock." She said in a calm and even tone, she started to walk away.

She looked back after about 30 seconds of walking, she hadn't heard any other footsteps behind her. When she turned back to see her holding a figure larger than her, it was another woman, but all she could see was her long hair and her elegant dress. Kate was embracing her like she was her mother.

The middle-aged woman when walked over to Kate, "Kate," She says, Kate then looks up, releasing the other woman. "S-sorry..." Kate said as she stood up in a hurry, "Let's-let's just gone and find something to write on, and then we can go eat something." Kate continued, then they both looked up at the sky, and both said, "Midday." Then they looked at each other, the two girls then rushed to each other panicked for some reason. They embraced each other and they held each other once again for a good 5 minutes, then they let go of each other. "We should really start getting ready to eat." She said so the two girls walked over, to the closest tree. They both looked up at the tree, looking up at the leaves, and they saw some coconuts in the tree. So the two girls, both middle-aged, starred at them for a long time, and then Kate stepped back, and then ran straight into the tree, with her shoulder. She screamed out in pain, you could hear her scream from all over the island, and maybe the island that she was on before. After they got the coconuts down, they started to place them open their bare hands, granted to the dead her a lot, but it was well worth it to eat. After they cracked open the coconuts, they ate at them vigorously. After the two girls vigorously ate their fruit, they went around looking for stones to write on. After about 20 minutes of looking around the island, they finally found a big enough to fit a large amount of lighting on.

Hello, I am Kate, I'm the voice that she has been hearing for a long amount of time, but by that I mean only 9 days, this is the tenth today that she has talked to me, and I've talked to her, but today is the first time she actually sees me in real life.

I don't know the name of the other girl, she refuses to tell me, she must have forgotten it on the way to the salted dimension, or she's just so ignorant, but whatever it is she doesn't want to tell me her name. So I have just continued to call her them, they, she and her.

Today is for my corpse washer on the second island of her journey. I burst into tears the second I saw it, I missed seeing it so much, even though it was all rusted and decayed.

It's about 12:30 pm now and we just ate, we knocked down a coconut tree, and she ate them like our life depended on it, which it did, but anyway we were looking around for a rock large enough to write on so after this we will look around for more rocks to write on so we have enough storage of rocks for the next week, anyway, I am running out of space to write, and it is around 1:00 p.m. and it has been a big day for the both of us, so until tomorrow,



ate looks up and felt someone or something, watching her, "Is that all you are going to write?" She said, talking over Kate's shoulder."You really scared me then mate!" Kate said back to the middle-aged woman, "Anyway, should we go and find more rocks to write on, for tomorrow?" "I don't see why not." The middle-aged woman said she didn't know what else to do. So, her and Kate went around the island, looking for more stones to write on, for the near future. The two girls walked around the island, once again just chatting, but this time she didn't have tears down her face, and so over the collecting hours, they collected about 30 stones, but good enough to last for good 30 days. They knew that they wouldn't stay on this island for 30 days, but they wanted to be sure that they had enough stones to write on for the whole time while they're on this island.

Just when the two girls were about to sit down for a little bit of relaxation time, they found another corpse. Kate's ran over to the courts, with a sudden urgency in her footsteps. What she got to the other courts, which was about 20 m away, she fell to the floor holding the courts in her hands. Unlike her corpse, this court still looks semi-fresh. It was still rotten a tiny bit, but for the most part of still in good tact. Kate screamed out the boy's name, she was so happy, but also upset to see his rotting corpse, but she seemed to talk in the language that she didn't understand. It wasn't a language from Earth, she knew that for sure, she had heard all the languages from Earth several, and several times and, for some reason, she could understand every language from Earth. Maybe it was because she had superpowers, maybe the power of the Elements was helping her? She didn't know, but she didn't let that confuse her for long, because after a couple of seconds of being in shock, she shook her head, and turned her concentration back to Kate. "K-Kate?" Kate turns to her, "What do you want!?" Kate said back, her face wrinkles with disgust, and her voice filled with attitude. She walks to Kate, wary about her stance. As you continue to walk over to Kate, she stepped lightly on her toes, careful not to aggravate her, she was treating Kate like a wild animal. Then, all of a sudden, Kate burst into tears. The middle-aged girl, step back worried about her, but she didn't take action. Instead, she sat on the ground, and she looked up at the trees, to try to see if there was anything up there, to see instead of looking at the scene in front of her. After, about 5 minutes of this, she finally decided to take action. She stood up, and she looked at Kate directly in her eyes and then saying straight to her face, "Kate!!! Could you please snap out of it!?" Kate eyes, once filled with fire, was now filled with tears in her eyes. Tears then proceeded to leak out of her eyes. She felt incredibly guilty for what she did, but she had to do it anyway. It was the only way she could snap her out of her misery. By this time, it was about 5 p.m. And the sun was setting. The two girls had no choice but to start settling down for the night. So, they got all the food that they would need for the rest of the night and tomorrow morning, and set up a camp, granted of the camp was only made outer leaves got all the food that they would need for the rest of the night and tomorrow morning, the two girls middle aged girls, had trouble with setting up the tent. Even though it's one of the most simple things you could use in a survival book, they didn't know how to build it. So, they had to resort to sleeping on a pile of leaves each, it took them about to 4 hours trying to figure out how to build a tent, but Kate wouldn't let the tent defeat her. So, she was building the tent, for a last-ditch effort comma as the other middle-aged girl was just sitting there watching. Once, Kate had finally finished building the tent, she stood up with a confident look on her face, her posture giving the same example, and she had a massive smile on her face. She looked over to the other middle age girl, too get approval from her. But all she did was just stare at her with a blank face, probably because she was so tired. So then the middle-aged girls can I lay down in the fully finished tent karma and fell asleep within a couple of hours.