Dream 8

The two middle-aged girls appeared in the black void she was so used to, but the other middle-aged girl wasn't as used to it as her. Then, the two middle-aged girls heard a voice from above. The first middle age girl as I said before, she is used to it, but Kate wasn't as used to it, she was used to being in the voices footsteps. 'Hello, girls.' The male voice said, Kate immediately reacts to his voice, she started jumping up and down and screaming like crazy, like she was fangirling over someone. Kate then started talking her language again, the other middle-aged woman couldn't understand what she was saying to save her life. As Kate was looking around the black void that the other middle-aged girl has become accustomed to, she was in shock, how could she survive in here every night? Those of the questions going through her head.

As the voice continues to talk, more things seem to make sense in both of the girl's Heads. Then, the voice said it's goodbyes and slowly left without knowing of it the two girls then sat there in silence for about half an hour, or that's what it seems like to the girls. As both of the girl's versions became lighter, The Voice started fading and fading karma until it could no longer be heard.